This fork has changes that do two things:
- Make the drupal DB reading routines work with a Drupal 6 schema.
- Add the ability to specify an "emvideoField" option that will extract any emvideo type CCK field data an generate a shortcode usage after the Summary like so:
- Make it build nicely with go get
{{< <provider> <videoId> >}}
Drupal2Hugo provides a basic converter to export a Drupal website to text files in Hugo format. It will do a lot of the work for you, but some manual intervention will still be needed.
For each Drupal node, a corresponding text file is written containing the metadata (front matter) and the node body content.
If the Drupal node has a summary, it is retained as a comment after the front matter. It will require manual editing to mark the body so that the summary produced by Hugo matches that in Drupal.
The Drupal markup is assumed to be Markdown or (a subset of) HTML. The body content is transferred verbatim and will only work properly if Markdown or HTML have been used.
All other Drupal content fields are lost. In particular, note that pictures and other multimedia content need to be dealt with manually, although the links to them in the body content will be retained.
This is experimental. YMMV.
Idealy, there would already be a selection of pre-build binaries for you, but there aren't. So you need to build from source, which is quite easy.
Of course, start by installing Go, setting up paths, etc. Then:
go get
There should be a new binary for your computer architecture called bin/drupal2hugo
Usage of drupal2hugo:
-V=false: Version information
-db="": Drupal database name - required
-driver="mysql": SQL driver
-pass="": Drupal password (you will be prompted for the password if this is absent)
-prefix="drp_": Drupal table prefix
-user="": Drupal user (defaults to be the same as the Drupal database name)
-v=false: Verbose
Example usage:
drupal2hugo -db mydrupal -user drupaluser -pass password
A new content
folder should be produced containing the Markdown files for importing into your Hugo project.
Each page may contain hyperlinks to other pages within its prose. These should preferably be domain-relative links (such as "/post/latest-ideas"). If they are Drupal node links like "/node/247", they will be broken links after export. At the moment, you have to fix these manually.
MIT Licence.