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feat: linter attribute improvements
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* linters are now checked for redeclaration
* linters are now registered whether or not they are default-enabled
* `@[nolint foo]` checks that `foo` is a linter, and go to definition works
* `@[nolint]` attrs can only be applied in the current module
  • Loading branch information
digama0 committed Oct 27, 2022
1 parent d43a259 commit 9646726
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Showing 6 changed files with 116 additions and 86 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Std/Lean/NameMapAttribute.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ def registerNameMapExtension (α) (name : Name := by exact decl_name%) :
IO (NameMapExtension α) := do
registerSimplePersistentEnvExtension {
addImportedFn := fun ass => ass.foldl (init := ∅) fun
| names, as => as.foldl (init := names) fun
| names, (a,b) => names.insert a b
addImportedFn := fun ass =>
ass.foldl (init := ) fun names as =>
as.foldl (init := names) fun names (a, b) => names.insert a b
addEntryFn := fun s n => s.insert n.1 n.2
toArrayFn := fun es => es.toArray
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Std/Logic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Leonardo de Moura, Jeremy Avigad, Floris van Doorn, Mario Carneiro
import Std.Tactic.Basic
import Std.Tactic.Lint.Basic
import Std.Tactic.Lint.Misc

instance {f : α → β} [DecidablePred p] : DecidablePred (p ∘ f) :=
inferInstanceAs <| DecidablePred fun x => p (f x)
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108 changes: 66 additions & 42 deletions Std/Tactic/Lint/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -18,33 +18,12 @@ framework. A linter essentially consists of a function
`(declaration : Name) → MetaM (Option MessageData)`, this function together with some
metadata is stored in the `Linter` structure. We define two attributes:
* `@[stdLinter]` applies to a declaration of type `Linter` and adds it to the default linter set.
* `@[std_linter]` applies to a declaration of type `Linter` and adds it to the default linter set.
* `@[nolint linterName]` omits the tagged declaration from being checked by
the linter with name `linterName`.

/-- `@[nolint linterName]` omits the tagged declaration from being checked by
the linter with name `linterName`. -/
syntax (name := nolint) "nolint" (ppSpace ident)+ : attr

/-- Defines the user attribute `nolint` for skipping `#lint` -/
initialize nolintAttr : NameMapExtension (Array Name) ←
registerNameMapAttribute {
name := `nolint
descr := "Do not report this declaration in any of the tests of `#lint`"
add := fun _decl stx =>
match stx with
-- TODO: validate linter names
| `(attr|nolint $[$ids]*) => pure $ (·.getId.eraseMacroScopes)
| _ => throwError "unexpected nolint syntax {stx}"

/-- Returns true if `decl` should be checked
using `linter`, i.e., if there is no `nolint` attribute. -/
def shouldBeLinted [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] (linter : Name) (decl : Name) : m Bool :=
return !((nolintAttr.find? (← getEnv) decl).getD {}).contains linter

Returns true if `decl` is an automatically generated declaration.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -81,27 +60,72 @@ structure Linter where

/-- A `NamedLinter` is a linter associated to a particular declaration. -/
structure NamedLinter extends Linter where
/-- The name of the named linter. This is just the declaration name without the namespace. -/
name : Name
/-- The linter declaration name -/
declName : Name

/-- The name of the named linter. This is just the declaration name without the namespace. -/
def (l : NamedLinter) : Name := l.declName.updatePrefix Name.anonymous

/-- Gets a linter by declaration name. -/
def getLinter (declName : Name) : CoreM NamedLinter := unsafe
return { ← evalConstCheck Linter ``Linter declName with declName }

/-- Takes a list of names that resolve to declarations of type `linter`,
and produces a list of linters. -/
def getLinters (l : List Name) : CoreM (List NamedLinter) :=
l.mapM getLinter

/-- Defines the `std_linter` attribute for adding a linter to the default set. -/
initialize stdLinterAttr : TagAttribute ←
(name := `std_linter)
(descr := "Use this declaration as a linting test in #lint")
(validate := fun name => do
let constInfo ← getConstInfo name
unless ← (isDefEq constInfo.type (mkConst ``Linter)).run' do
throwError "must have type Linter, got {constInfo.type}")
def getLinter (name declName : Name) : CoreM NamedLinter := unsafe
return { ← evalConstCheck Linter ``Linter declName with name, declName }

/-- Defines the `std_linter` extension for adding a linter to the default set. -/
initialize stdLinterExt :
PersistentEnvExtension (Name × Bool) (Name × Bool) (NameMap (Name × Bool)) ←
let addEntryFn := fun m (n, b) => m.insert (n.updatePrefix .anonymous) (n, b)
registerPersistentEnvExtension {
mkInitial := pure {}
addImportedFn := fun nss => pure <|
nss.foldl (init := {}) fun m ns => ns.foldl (init := m) addEntryFn
exportEntriesFn := fun es => es.fold (fun a _ e => a.push e) #[]

Defines the `@[std_linter]` attribute for adding a linter to the default set.
The form `@[std_linter disabled]` will not add the linter to the default set,
but it will be shown by `#list_linters` and can be selected by the `#lint` command.
Linters are named using their declaration names, without the namespace. These must be distinct.
syntax (name := std_linter) "std_linter" &"disabled"? : attr

initialize registerBuiltinAttribute {
name := `std_linter
descr := "Use this declaration as a linting test in #lint"
add := fun decl stx kind => do
let dflt := stx[1].isNone
unless kind == .global do throwError "invalid attribute 'std_linter', must be global"
let shortName := decl.updatePrefix .anonymous
if let some (declName, _) := (stdLinterExt.getState (← getEnv)).find? shortName then
Elab.addConstInfo stx declName
throwError "invalid attribute 'std_linter', linter '{shortName}' has already been declared"
let constInfo ← getConstInfo decl
unless ← (isDefEq constInfo.type (mkConst ``Linter)).run' do
throwError "must have type Linter, got {constInfo.type}"
modifyEnv fun env => stdLinterExt.addEntry env (decl, dflt)

/-- `@[nolint linterName]` omits the tagged declaration from being checked by
the linter with name `linterName`. -/
syntax (name := nolint) "nolint" (ppSpace ident)+ : attr

/-- Defines the user attribute `nolint` for skipping `#lint` -/
initialize nolintAttr : ParametricAttribute (Array Name) ←
registerParametricAttribute {
name := `nolint
descr := "Do not report this declaration in any of the tests of `#lint`"
getParam := fun _ => fun
| `(attr| nolint $[$ids]*) => ids.mapM fun id => withRef id <| do
let shortName := id.getId.eraseMacroScopes
let some (declName, _) := (stdLinterExt.getState (← getEnv)).find? shortName
| throwError "linter '{shortName}' not found"
Elab.addConstInfo id declName
pure shortName
| _ => Elab.throwUnsupportedSyntax

/-- Returns true if `decl` should be checked
using `linter`, i.e., if there is no `nolint` attribute. -/
def shouldBeLinted [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] (linter : Name) (decl : Name) : m Bool :=
return !((nolintAttr.getParam? (← getEnv) decl).getD #[]).contains linter
49 changes: 29 additions & 20 deletions Std/Tactic/Lint/Frontend.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -73,11 +73,16 @@ inductive LintVerbosity
If `useOnly` is true, it only uses the linters in `extra`.
Otherwise, it uses all linters in the environment tagged with `@[linter]`.
If `slow` is false, it only uses the fast default tests. -/
def getChecks (slow : Bool) (extra : List Name) (useOnly : Bool) : CoreM (List NamedLinter) := do
let default ← if useOnly then pure [] else
getLinters (stdLinterAttr.getDecls (← getEnv)).toList
let default := if slow then default else default.filter (·.isFast)
pure $ default ++ (← getLinters extra)
def getChecks (slow : Bool) (useOnly : Bool) : CoreM (Array NamedLinter) := do
let mut result := #[]
unless useOnly do
for (name, declName, dflt) in stdLinterExt.getState (← getEnv) do
if dflt then
let linter ← getLinter name declName
if slow || linter.isFast then
let _ := linter
result := result.binInsert (· ·.name) linter
pure result

Runs all the specified linters on all the specified declarations in parallel,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -212,15 +217,21 @@ elab "#lint"
| _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax
let fast := fast.isSome
let only := only.isSome
let extraLinters ← linters.mapM fun id =>
withScope ({ · with currNamespace := `Std.Tactic.Lint }) <|
resolveGlobalConstNoOverload id
let linters ← liftCoreM <| getChecks (slow := !fast) extraLinters.toList only
let results ← liftCoreM <| lintCore decls linters.toArray
let linters ← liftCoreM do
let mut result ← getChecks (slow := !fast) only
let linterState := stdLinterExt.getState (← getEnv)
for id in linters do
let name := id.getId.eraseMacroScopes
let some (declName, _) := linterState.find? name | throwErrorAt id "not a linter: {name}"
let linter ← getLinter name declName
let _ := linter
result := result.binInsert (· ·.name) linter
pure result
let results ← liftCoreM <| lintCore decls linters
let failed := results.any (!·.2.isEmpty)
let mut fmtResults ← liftCoreM <|
formatLinterResults results decls (groupByFilename := groupByFilename)
whereDesc (runSlowLinters := !fast) verbosity linters.length
whereDesc (runSlowLinters := !fast) verbosity linters.size
if failed then
logError fmtResults
else if verbosity != LintVerbosity.low then
Expand All @@ -229,12 +240,10 @@ elab "#lint"
open Elab Command in
/-- The command `#list_linters` prints a list of all available linters. -/
elab "#list_linters" : command => do
let env ← getEnv
let ns : Array Name := env.constants.fold (init := #[]) fun ns n ci =>
if n.getPrefix == `Std.Tactic.Lint && ci.type == mkConst ``Std.Tactic.Lint.Linter
then ns.push n else ns
let linters ← ns.mapM fun n => do
let b := stdLinterAttr.hasTag (← getEnv) n
pure $ toString (n.updatePrefix Name.anonymous) ++ if b then " (*)" else ""
logInfo m!"Available linters (linters marked with (*) are in the default lint set):\n{
Format.joinSep linters.toList Format.line}"
let mut result := #[]
for (name, _, dflt) in stdLinterExt.getState (← getEnv) do
result := result.binInsert (· ·.1) (name, dflt)
let mut msg := m!"Available linters (linters marked with (*) are in the default lint set):"
for (name, dflt) in result do
msg := msg ++ m!"\n{name}{if dflt then " (*)" else ""}"
logInfo msg
21 changes: 9 additions & 12 deletions Std/Tactic/Lint/Misc.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ This file defines several small linters.
| return none
return m!"The namespace {dup} is duplicated in the name"

/-- A linter object for checking for unused arguments.
/-- A linter for checking for unused arguments.
We skip all declarations that contain `sorry` in their value. -/
@[std_linter] def unusedArguments : Linter where
noErrorsFound := "No unused arguments."
Expand All @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ We skip all declarations that contain `sorry` in their value. -/
addMessageContextFull <| .joinSep (← unused.toList.mapM fun (arg, i) =>
return m!"argument {i+1} {arg} : {← inferType arg}") m!", "

/-- A linter for checking definition doc strings -/
/-- A linter for checking definition doc strings. -/
@[std_linter] def docBlame : Linter where
noErrorsFound := "No definitions are missing documentation."
Expand All @@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ We skip all declarations that contain `sorry` in their value. -/
let (none) ← findDocString? (← getEnv) declName | return none
return m!"{kind} missing documentation string"

/-- A linter for checking theorem doc strings -/
def docBlameThm : Linter where
/-- A linter for checking theorem doc strings. -/
@[std_linter disabled] def docBlameThm : Linter where
noErrorsFound := "No theorems are missing documentation."
test declName := do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -120,9 +120,9 @@ has been used. -/
`univParamsGrouped e` computes for each `level` `u` of `e` the parameters that occur in `u`,
and returns the corresponding set of lists of parameters.
In pseudo-mathematical form, this returns `{ { p : parameter | p ∈ u } | (u : level) ∈ e }`
FIXME: We use `Array Name` instead of `HashSet Name`, since `HashSet` does not have an equality instance.
It will ignore `nm₀.proof_i` declarations.
In pseudo-mathematical form, this returns `{{p : parameter | p ∈ u} | (u : level) ∈ e}`
FIXME: We use `Array Name` instead of `HashSet Name`, since `HashSet` does not have an equality
instance. It will ignore `nm₀.proof_i` declarations.
private def univParamsGrouped (e : Expr) (nm₀ : Name) : BaseIO (Lean.HashSet (Array Name)) := do
let res ← IO.mkRef {}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -204,9 +204,6 @@ with rfl when elaboration results in a different term than the user intended. -/
return m!"LHS equals RHS syntactically"
return none

attribute [nolint synTaut] rfl

Return a list of unused have/suffices/let_fun terms in an expression.
This actually finds all beta-redexes.
Expand All @@ -223,7 +220,7 @@ def findUnusedHaves (e : Expr) : MetaM (Array MessageData) := do

/-- A linter for checking that declarations don't have unused term mode have statements. We do not
tag this as `@[stdLlinter]` so that it is not in the default linter set as it is slow and an
tag this as `@[std_linter]` so that it is not in the default linter set as it is slow and an
uncommon problem. -/
@[std_linter] def unusedHavesSuffices : Linter where
noErrorsFound := "No declarations have unused term mode have statements."
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -251,7 +248,7 @@ uncommon problem. -/
A linter for checking if variables appearing on both sides of an iff are explicit. Ideally, such
variables should be implicit instead.
def explicitVarsOfIff : Linter where
@[std_linter disabled] def explicitVarsOfIff : Linter where
noErrorsFound := "No explicit variables on both sides of iff"
test declName := do
Expand Down
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions scripts/runLinter.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ abbrev NoLints := Array (Name × Name)
/-- Read the given file path and deserialize it as JSON. -/
def readJsonFile (α) [FromJson α] (path : System.FilePath) : IO α := do
let _ : MonadExceptOf String IO := ⟨throw ∘ IO.userError, fun x _ => x⟩
liftExcept <| fromJson? <|<- liftExcept <| Json.parse <|<- IO.FS.readFile path
liftExcept <| fromJson? <| liftExcept <| Json.parse <| IO.FS.readFile path

/-- Serialize the given value `a : α` to the file as JSON. -/
def writeJsonFile [ToJson α] (path : System.FilePath) (a : α) : IO Unit :=
Expand All @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ elab "compile_time_search_path" : term =>
return toExpr (← searchPathRef.get)

Usage: `runLinter [--update] [Std.Data.Nat]`
Usage: `runLinter [--update] [Std.Data.Nat.Basic]`
Runs the linters on all declarations in the given module (or `Std` by default).
If `--update` is set, the `nolints` file is updated to remove any declarations that no longer need
Expand All @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ unsafe def main (args : List String) : IO Unit := do
| [] => some `Std
| [mod] => Syntax.decodeNameLit s!"`{mod}"
| _ => none
| IO.eprintln "Usage: runLinter [--update] [Std.Data.Nat]" *> IO.Process.exit 1
| IO.eprintln "Usage: runLinter [--update] [Std.Data.Nat.Basic]" *> IO.Process.exit 1
let nolintsFile := "scripts/nolints.json"
let nolints ← readJsonFile NoLints nolintsFile
searchPathRef.set compile_time_search_path
Expand All @@ -50,11 +50,11 @@ unsafe def main (args : List String) : IO Unit := do
let state := {env}
Prod.fst <$> (CoreM.toIO · ctx state) do
let decls ← getDeclsInPackage `Std
let linters ← getChecks (slow := true) (extra := []) (useOnly := false)
let results ← lintCore decls linters.toArray
let linters ← getChecks (slow := true) (useOnly := false)
let results ← lintCore decls linters
if update then
writeJsonFile (α := NoLints) nolintsFile <|
.qsort (lt := fun (a,b) (c,d) => c || (a == c && d)) <|
.qsort (lt := fun (a, b) (c, d) => c || (a == c && d)) <|
.flatten <| fun (linter, decls) =>
decls.fold (fun res decl _ => res.push (, decl)) #[]
let results := fun (linter, decls) =>
Expand All @@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ unsafe def main (args : List String) : IO Unit := do
if failed then
let fmtResults ←
formatLinterResults results decls (groupByFilename := true)
"in Std" (runSlowLinters := true) .medium linters.length
"in Std" (runSlowLinters := true) .medium linters.size
IO.print (← fmtResults.toString)
IO.Process.exit 1
IO.print "-- Linting passed."
IO.println "-- Linting passed."

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