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chore: lean bump 2022-10-20
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digama0 committed Oct 20, 2022
1 parent 9413d76 commit 045de44
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Showing 23 changed files with 63 additions and 63 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Std/Classes/Dvd.lean
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Expand Up @@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ class Dvd (α : Type _) where
/-- Divisibility. `a ∣ b` (typed as `\|`) means that there is some `c` such that `b = a * c`. -/
dvd : α → α → Prop

@[inheritDoc] infix:50 " ∣ " => Dvd.dvd
@[inherit_doc] infix:50 " ∣ " => Dvd.dvd
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Std/Classes/SetNotation.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -96,13 +96,13 @@ macro_rules
| `({$x:term, $xs:term,*}) => `(insert $x {$xs:term,*})

/-- Unexpander for the `{ x }` notation. -/
@[appUnexpander singleton]
@[app_unexpander singleton]
def singletonUnexpander : Lean.PrettyPrinter.Unexpander
| `($_ $a) => `({ $a:term })
| _ => throw ()

/-- Unexpander for the `{ x, y, ... }` notation. -/
@[appUnexpander insert]
@[app_unexpander insert]
def insertUnexpander : Lean.PrettyPrinter.Unexpander
| `($_ $a { $ts,* }) => `({$a:term, $ts,*})
| _ => throw ()
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions Std/Data/List/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ inductive Sublist {α} : List α → List α → Prop
/-- If `l₁` is a subsequence of `l₂`, then `a :: l₁` is a subsequence of `a :: l₂`. -/
| cons₂ a : Sublist l₁ l₂ → Sublist (a :: l₁) (a :: l₂)

@[inheritDoc] scoped infixl:50 " <+ " => Sublist
@[inherit_doc] scoped infixl:50 " <+ " => Sublist

Split a list at an index.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -742,11 +742,11 @@ substring of `l₂`, that is, `l₂` has the form `s ++ l₁ ++ t` for some `s,
def isInfix (l₁ : List α) (l₂ : List α) : Prop := ∃ s t, s ++ l₁ ++ t = l₂

@[inheritDoc] infixl:50 " <+: " => isPrefix
@[inherit_doc] infixl:50 " <+: " => isPrefix

@[inheritDoc] infixl:50 " <:+ " => isSuffix
@[inherit_doc] infixl:50 " <:+ " => isSuffix

@[inheritDoc] infixl:50 " <:+: " => isInfix
@[inherit_doc] infixl:50 " <:+: " => isInfix

`inits l` is the list of initial segments of `l`.
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Std/Data/Nat/Gcd.lean
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Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ theorem gcd_rec (m n : Nat) : gcd m n = gcd (n % m) m :=
| 0 => by have := (mod_zero n).symm; rwa [gcd_zero_right]
| _ + 1 => by simp [gcd_succ]

@[elabAsElim] theorem gcd.induction {P : Nat → Nat → Prop} (m n : Nat)
@[elab_as_elim] theorem gcd.induction {P : Nat → Nat → Prop} (m n : Nat)
(H0 : ∀n, P 0 n) (H1 : ∀ m n, 0 < m → P (n % m) m → P m n) : P m n :=
Nat.strongInductionOn (motive := fun m => ∀ n, P m n) m
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14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions Std/Data/RBMap/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -832,9 +832,9 @@ can be used in `for` loops or converted to an array or list.
@[inline] def keys (t : RBMap α β cmp) : Keys α β cmp := t

@[inline, inheritDoc keysArray] def Keys.toArray := @keysArray
@[inline, inherit_doc keysArray] def Keys.toArray := @keysArray

@[inline, inheritDoc keysList] def Keys.toList := @keysList
@[inline, inherit_doc keysList] def Keys.toList := @keysList

instance : Coe (Keys α β cmp) (Array α) := ⟨keysArray⟩

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -881,9 +881,9 @@ can be used in `for` loops or converted to an array or list.
@[inline] def values (t : RBMap α β cmp) : Values α β cmp := t

@[inline, inheritDoc valuesArray] def Values.toArray := @valuesArray
@[inline, inherit_doc valuesArray] def Values.toArray := @valuesArray

@[inline, inheritDoc valuesList] def Values.toList := @valuesList
@[inline, inherit_doc valuesList] def Values.toList := @valuesList

instance : Coe (Values α β cmp) (Array β) := ⟨valuesArray⟩

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -967,7 +967,7 @@ private unsafe def modifyImpl (t : RBMap α β cmp) (k : α) (f : β → β) : R
This takes the element out of the tree while `f` runs,
so it uses the element linearly if `t` is unshared.
@[implementedBy modifyImpl] opaque modify (t : RBMap α β cmp) (k : α) (f : β → β) : RBMap α β cmp
@[implemented_by modifyImpl] opaque modify (t : RBMap α β cmp) (k : α) (f : β → β) : RBMap α β cmp

-- def modify (t : RBMap α β cmp) (k : α) (f : β → β) : RBMap α β cmp :=
-- t.modifyP (cmp k ·.1) (fun (a, b) => (a, f b))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1000,7 +1000,7 @@ The element is used linearly if `t` is unshared.
The `AlterWF` assumption is required because `f` may change
the ordering properties of the element, which would break the invariants.
@[implementedBy alterImpl]
@[implemented_by alterImpl]
opaque alter (t : RBMap α β cmp) (k : α) (f : Option β → Option β) : RBMap α β cmp

-- @[specialize] def alter
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1074,6 +1074,6 @@ end RBMap
end Std
open Std

@[inheritDoc RBMap.ofList]
@[inherit_doc RBMap.ofList]
abbrev List.toRBMap (l : List (α × β)) (cmp : α → α → Ordering) : RBMap α β cmp :=
RBMap.ofList l cmp
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions Std/Lean/NameMapAttribute.lean
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Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ def NameMapExtension.add [Monad M] [MonadEnv M] [MonadError M]
ext.addEntry (← getEnv) (k, v) |> setEnv

/-- Registers a new extension with the given name and type. -/
def registerNameMapExtension (α) (name : Name) : IO (NameMapExtension α) := do
def registerNameMapExtension (α) (name : Name := by exact decl_name%) :
IO (NameMapExtension α) := do
registerSimplePersistentEnvExtension {
addImportedFn := fun ass => ass.foldl (init := ∅) fun
Expand All @@ -40,6 +41,8 @@ def registerNameMapExtension (α) (name : Name) : IO (NameMapExtension α) := do
structure NameMapAttributeImpl (α : Type) where
/-- The name of the attribute -/
name : Name
/-- The declaration which creates the attribute -/
ref : Name := by exact decl_name%
/-- The description of the attribute -/
descr : String
/-- This function is called when the attribute is applied.
Expand All @@ -50,7 +53,7 @@ structure NameMapAttributeImpl (α : Type) where
/-- Similar to `registerParametricAttribute` except that attributes do not
have to be assigned in the same file as the declaration. -/
def registerNameMapAttribute (impl : NameMapAttributeImpl α) : IO (NameMapExtension α) := do
let ext ← registerNameMapExtension α
let ext ← registerNameMapExtension α impl.ref
registerBuiltinAttribute {
name :=
descr := impl.descr
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions Std/Tactic/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -13,16 +13,16 @@ import Std.Lean.Tactic
open Lean Parser.Tactic Elab Command Elab.Tactic Meta

/-- `exfalso` converts a goal `⊢ tgt` into `⊢ False` by applying `False.elim`. -/
macro "exfalso" : tactic => `(apply False.elim)
macro "exfalso" : tactic => `(tactic| apply False.elim)

`_` in tactic position acts like the `done` tactic: it fails and gives the list
of goals if there are any. It is useful as a placeholder after starting a tactic block
such as `by _` to make it syntactically correct and show the current goal.
macro "_" : tactic => `({})
macro "_" : tactic => `(tactic| {})

@[inheritDoc failIfSuccess]
@[inherit_doc failIfSuccess]
syntax (name := failIfSuccessConv) "fail_if_success " Conv.convSeq : conv

attribute [tactic failIfSuccessConv] evalFailIfSuccess
Expand All @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ macro_rules | `(tactic| rfl) => `(tactic| exact HEq.rfl)

/-- `rwa` calls `rw`, then closes any remaining goals using `assumption`. -/
macro "rwa " rws:rwRuleSeq loc:(location)? : tactic =>
`(tactic| rw $rws:rwRuleSeq $[$loc:location]?; assumption)
`(tactic| (rw $rws:rwRuleSeq $[$loc:location]?; assumption))

Like `exact`, but takes a list of terms and checks that all goals are discharged after the tactic.
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1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion Std/Tactic/CoeExt.lean
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Expand Up @@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ instance : ToExpr CoeFnInfo where
/-- The environment extension for tracking coercion functions for delaboration -/
initialize coeExt : SimpleScopedEnvExtension (Name × CoeFnInfo) (NameMap CoeFnInfo) ←
registerSimpleScopedEnvExtension {
name := `coe
addEntry := fun st (n, i) => st.insert n i
initial := {}
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Std/Tactic/Ext.lean
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Expand Up @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ macro_rules
`ext1 pat*` is like `ext pat*` except it only applies one extensionality lemma instead
of recursing as much as possible.
macro "ext1" xs:(colGt ppSpace rintroPat)* : tactic => `(tactic| apply_ext_lemma; rintro $xs*)
macro "ext1" xs:(colGt ppSpace rintroPat)* : tactic => `(tactic| (apply_ext_lemma; rintro $xs*))

/-- `ext1? pat*` is like `ext1 pat*` but gives a suggestion on what pattern to use -/
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1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion Std/Tactic/Ext/Attr.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ syntax "declare_ext_theorems_for" ident : command
/-- The environment extension to track `@[ext]` lemmas. -/
initialize extExtension : SimpleScopedEnvExtension (Name × Array DiscrTree.Key) (DiscrTree Name) ←
registerSimpleScopedEnvExtension {
name := `ext
addEntry := fun dt (n, ks) => dt.insertCore ks n
initial := {}
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions Std/Tactic/GuardExpr.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -77,9 +77,9 @@ Check equality of two expressions.
* `guard_expr e = e'` checks that `e` and `e'` are definitionally equal.
syntax (name := guardExpr) "guard_expr " term:51 equal term : tactic
@[inheritDoc guardExpr] syntax (name := guardExprConv) "guard_expr " term:51 equal term : conv
@[inherit_doc guardExpr] syntax (name := guardExprConv) "guard_expr " term:51 equal term : conv

@[inheritDoc guardExpr, tactic guardExpr, tactic guardExprConv]
@[inherit_doc guardExpr, tactic guardExpr, tactic guardExprConv]
def evalGuardExpr : Tactic := fun
| `(tactic| guard_expr $r $eq:equal $p)
| `(conv| guard_expr $r $eq:equal $p) => withMainContext do
Expand All @@ -96,9 +96,9 @@ Check the target agrees with a given expression.
* `guard_target = e` checks that the target is definitionally equal to `e`.
syntax (name := guardTarget) "guard_target " equal term : tactic
@[inheritDoc guardTarget] syntax (name := guardTargetConv) "guard_target " equal term : conv
@[inherit_doc guardTarget] syntax (name := guardTargetConv) "guard_target " equal term : conv

@[inheritDoc guardTarget, tactic guardTarget, tactic guardTargetConv]
@[inherit_doc guardTarget, tactic guardTarget, tactic guardTargetConv]
def evalGuardTarget : Tactic :=
let go eq r getTgt := withMainContext do
let r ← elabTerm r none
Expand All @@ -120,10 +120,10 @@ Check that a named hypothesis has a given type and/or value.
syntax (name := guardHyp)
"guard_hyp " term:max (colon term)? (colonEq term)? : tactic
@[inheritDoc guardHyp] syntax (name := guardHypConv)
@[inherit_doc guardHyp] syntax (name := guardHypConv)
"guard_hyp " term:max (colon term)? (colonEq term)? : conv

@[inheritDoc guardHyp, tactic guardHyp, tactic guardHypConv]
@[inherit_doc guardHyp, tactic guardHyp, tactic guardHypConv]
def evalGuardHyp : Tactic := fun
| `(tactic| guard_hyp $h $[$c $ty]? $[$eq $val]?)
| `(conv| guard_hyp $h $[$c $ty]? $[$eq $val]?) => withMainContext do
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions Std/Tactic/HaveI.lean
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Expand Up @@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ and subgoals, where the extra binding is inconvenient.
namespace Std.Tactic

/-- `haveI` behaves like `have`, but inlines the value instead of producing a `let_fun` term. -/
@[termParser] def «haveI» := leading_parser withPosition ("haveI " >> haveDecl) >> optSemicolon termParser
@[term_parser] def «haveI» := leading_parser withPosition ("haveI " >> haveDecl) >> optSemicolon termParser
/-- `letI` behaves like `let`, but inlines the value instead of producing a `let_fun` term. -/
@[termParser] def «letI» := leading_parser withPosition ("letI " >> haveDecl) >> optSemicolon termParser
@[term_parser] def «letI» := leading_parser withPosition ("letI " >> haveDecl) >> optSemicolon termParser

| `(haveI $_ : $_ := $_; $_) => throwUnsupported -- handled by elab
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -48,6 +48,6 @@ elab_rules <= expectedType
return (← (← elabTerm body expectedType).abstractM #[x]).instantiate #[val]

/-- `haveI` behaves like `have`, but inlines the value instead of producing a `let_fun` term. -/
macro "haveI " d:haveDecl : tactic => `(refine_lift haveI $d:haveDecl; ?_)
macro "haveI " d:haveDecl : tactic => `(tactic| refine_lift haveI $d:haveDecl; ?_)
/-- `letI` behaves like `let`, but inlines the value instead of producing a `let_fun` term. -/
macro "letI " d:haveDecl : tactic => `(refine_lift letI $d:haveDecl; ?_)
macro "letI " d:haveDecl : tactic => `(tactic| refine_lift letI $d:haveDecl; ?_)
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Std/Tactic/Lint/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -96,10 +96,10 @@ and produces a list of linters. -/
def getLinters (l : List Name) : CoreM (List NamedLinter) :=
l.mapM getLinter

/-- Defines the user attribute `stdLinter` for adding a linter to the default set. -/
/-- Defines the `std_linter` attribute for adding a linter to the default set. -/
initialize stdLinterAttr : TagAttribute ←
(name := `stdLinter)
(name := `std_linter)
(descr := "Use this declaration as a linting test in #lint")
(validate := fun name => do
let constInfo ← getConstInfo name
Expand Down
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions Std/Tactic/Lint/Misc.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ This file defines several small linters.

/-- A linter for checking whether a declaration has a namespace twice consecutively in its name. -/
@[stdLinter] def dupNamespace : Linter where
@[std_linter] def dupNamespace : Linter where
noErrorsFound := "No declarations have a duplicate namespace."
test declName := do
Expand All @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ This file defines several small linters.

/-- A linter object for checking for unused arguments.
We skip all declarations that contain `sorry` in their value. -/
@[stdLinter] def unusedArguments : Linter where
@[std_linter] def unusedArguments : Linter where
noErrorsFound := "No unused arguments."
errorsFound := "UNUSED ARGUMENTS."
test declName := do
Expand All @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ We skip all declarations that contain `sorry` in their value. -/
return m!"argument {i+1} {arg} : {← inferType arg}") m!", "

/-- A linter for checking definition doc strings -/
@[stdLinter] def docBlame : Linter where
@[std_linter] def docBlame : Linter where
noErrorsFound := "No definitions are missing documentation."
test declName := do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ def docBlameThm : Linter where

/-- A linter for checking whether the correct declaration constructor (definition or theorem)
has been used. -/
@[stdLinter] def defLemma : Linter where
@[std_linter] def defLemma : Linter where
noErrorsFound := "All declarations correctly marked as def/lemma."
errorsFound := "INCORRECT DEF/LEMMA:"
test declName := do
Expand All @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ has been used. -/
| _, _ => return none

/-- A linter for missing checking whether statements of declarations are well-typed. -/
@[stdLinter] def checkType : Linter where
@[std_linter] def checkType : Linter where
noErrorsFound :=
"The statements of all declarations type-check with default reducibility settings."
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ occur by themselves in a level. It is ok if *one* of `u` or `v` never occurs alo
`(α : Type u) (β : Type (max u v))` is a occasionally useful method of saying that `β` lives in
a higher universe level than `α`.
@[stdLinter] def checkUnivs : Linter where
@[std_linter] def checkUnivs : Linter where
noErrorsFound :=
"All declarations have good universe levels."
Expand All @@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ where `e₁` and `e₂` are identical exprs.
We call declarations of this form syntactic tautologies.
Such lemmas are (mostly) useless and sometimes introduced unintentionally when proving basic facts
with rfl when elaboration results in a different term than the user intended. -/
@[stdLinter] def synTaut : Linter where
@[std_linter] def synTaut : Linter where
noErrorsFound :=
"No declarations are syntactic tautologies."
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ def findUnusedHaves (e : Expr) : MetaM (Array MessageData) := do
/-- A linter for checking that declarations don't have unused term mode have statements. We do not
tag this as `@[stdLlinter]` so that it is not in the default linter set as it is slow and an
uncommon problem. -/
@[stdLinter] def unusedHavesSuffices : Linter where
@[std_linter] def unusedHavesSuffices : Linter where
noErrorsFound := "No declarations have unused term mode have statements."
"In the case of `have` this is a term of the form `have h := foo, bar` where `bar` does not " ++
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Std/Tactic/Lint/Simp.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ def formatLemmas (usedSimps : Simp.UsedSimps) : MetaM Syntax := do
`(tactic| simp only [$[$args:ident],*])

/-- A linter for simp lemmas whose lhs is not in simp-normal form, and which hence never fire. -/
@[stdLinter] def simpNF : Linter where
@[std_linter] def simpNF : Linter where
noErrorsFound := "All left-hand sides of simp lemmas are in simp-normal form."
see note [simp-normal form] for tips how to debug this.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ Here are some tips depending on the error raised by the linter:
A linter for simp lemmas whose lhs has a variable as head symbol,
and which hence never fire.
@[stdLinter] def simpVarHead : Linter where
@[std_linter] def simpVarHead : Linter where
noErrorsFound :=
"No left-hand sides of a simp lemma has a variable as head symbol."
Expand All @@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ Some simp lemmas have a variable as head symbol of the left-hand side:"
return m!"Left-hand side has variable as head symbol: {headSym}"

/-- A linter for commutativity lemmas that are marked simp. -/
@[stdLinter] def simpComm : Linter where
@[std_linter] def simpComm : Linter where
noErrorsFound := "No commutativity lemma is marked simp."
Some commutativity lemmas are simp lemmas:"
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions Std/Tactic/NoMatch.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Along the same lines, `fun.` is a nullary pattern matching function; it is equiv
impossible pattern. The `match x with.` and `intro.` tactics do the same thing but in tactic mode.
namespace Std.Tactic
open Lean Elab Term
open Lean Elab Term Parser.Term

The syntax `match x with.` is a variant of `nomatch x` which supports pattern matching on multiple
Expand All @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ syntax:lead (name := noMatch) "match " matchDiscr,* " with" "." : term

open private elabMatchAux waitExpectedType from Lean.Elab.Match in
/-- Elaborator for `match x with.` -/
@[termElab noMatch] def elabNoMatch' : TermElab
@[term_elab noMatch] def elabNoMatch' : TermElab
| `(match $discrs,* with.), expectedType? => do
let discrs := discrs.getElems
for h : i in [0:discrs.size] do
Expand All @@ -53,9 +53,9 @@ elab (name := noFun) tk:"fun" "." : term <= expectedType => do
return ((⟨← `(a)⟩ : Ident), ← `(matchDiscr| a))
elabTerm (← `(@fun%$tk $binders:ident* => match%$tk $discrs:matchDiscr,* with.)) expectedType

@[inheritDoc noFun] macro tk:"λ" "." : term => `(fun%$tk .)
@[inherit_doc noFun] macro tk:"λ" "." : term => `(fun%$tk .)

@[inheritDoc noMatch] macro "match " discrs:matchDiscr,* " with" "." : tactic =>
@[inherit_doc noMatch] macro "match " discrs:matchDiscr,* " with" "." : tactic =>
`(tactic| exact match $discrs,* with.)

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