You'll need to have .NET 6 and docker installed to be able to run the project and tests.
- Clone this repository
- Make sure you are on master branch.
- To start EventStoreDB using Docker, run:
docker-compose up
- for X86-based computers, -
docker-compose -f docker-compose.arm64.yml up
- for ARM-based computers like MacBook M1.To access the github packages docker images, you need to authenticate docker with a gitub personal access token. It should be generated. Select at least following scopes:
. Then login to github docker registry with:docker login -u -u YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME -p YOUR_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN
Check full instructions in the "Authenticating to the Container registry" guide.
- Open solution in IDE and run all tests using
dotnet test
command,- or run through your IDE test runner.
- To start application run:
dotnet run --project ./Scheduling/Scheduling.csproj
command- or run it through your IDE.
Any problems please contact [email protected]