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Folders and files

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Those are my dotfiles, there is the softwares I am curently using :

  • 🖥️ WM : hyprland
  • 🔔 Notifications : dunst
  • ℹ️ Topbar : waybar
  • 🚀 App launcher : wofi
  • 🐈 Terminal : alacritty
  • 🐟 Shell : fish
  • 💫 Shell prompt : starship
  • 🐧 Linux distro : Fedora workstation (moving to minimal everything netinst iso)

There is also dotfiles from other softwares that i am not currently using but it is here for backup purposes.


I have created a script called "" which is setting up some stuff. Basically, it installs the packages specified in the variable at the top and stow each package that have a folder in the .dotfiles repo. This makes the installation of the window manager, topbar, keyring and DM much easier.

Some work still needs to be done, but there are the basics. Keep in mind that I am using it on Fedora workstation, if you are using another distro you may have to change the names of the installed packages along with the package manager used.

I am managing my dotfiles using Stow. This software allows to create symlinks that points to the dotfile you want to use.

  1. Clone the repo in your home directory :
git clone
  1. Go into the directory and stow the folder you would like to grab the files of.
stow <folder name>

With this command stow will create a symlink that points to the config file the repo contains.

WARNING : If there is already dotfiles where stow want to create the symlink, please remove the entire folder to get the link being as the entire folder. It is not required but cleaner.

For more information about this tool, check online.

At the end, you will end up with something like this :

🌶️ tree -L 1                                                                                                     (base)
├── fish -> ../.dotfiles/fish/.config/fish
├── fontconfig -> ../.dotfiles/fontconfig/.config/fontconfig
└── starship.toml -> ../.dotfiles/starship/.config/starship.toml