This repository contains the Jupyter notebooks of my online course Practical Jupyter Notebook from Beginner to Expert on
Course URL:
This course consists of 6 sections, including 3 introduction lectures and 26 lessons, which cover the core of the Jupyter Notebook from the basic concepts, operations to detailed applications. This course uses practical examples to help you understand and grasp the Jupyter Notebook in an easy and quick way.
Section I: Introuduction, includes three lectures: Course Introduction Curriculum Introduction How to Use and Download the Notebook Files
Section II: Setting Up Development Environment, talks about Python installation, Windows new terminal setup, and Jupyter Notebook installation, as well as basic operations required before starting with the Jupyter notebook. This part comprises 6 lessons.
Lesson 1: Installing Python
Lesson 2: Setup Windows New Terminal
Lesson 3: Installing Jupyter Notebook
Lesson 4: Starting Jupyter Notebook
Lesson 5: Creating Working Directory
Lesson 6: Creating a Jupyter Notebook
Section III: Basic Applications, discusses how to create and run Python, markdown text and Html, make tables, insert equations, embed images, audios and videos into Jupyter notebook and align them . It is composed of 8 lessons. Lesson 7: Python Programming Lesson 8: Text Formation with Markdown Lesson 9: HTML Text Formation Lesson 10: Creating Tables Lesson 11: Inserting Math Equations and Symbols Lesson 12: Embedding Images Lesson 13: Embedding Audio and Videos Lesson 14: Coding of Other Languages
Section IV:Advanced Features, displays some awesome features of Jupyter notebook, such as changing theme, frequently used shortcuts, code completion, multi-line cursor, packages installation directly in Jupyter Notebook, as well as the built-in terminal. It includes 6 lessons: Lesson 15: Change the Themes Lesson 16: Frequently Used Shortcuts Lesson 17: Multi-line Cursor Lesson 18: Smart Code Auto-Completion Lesson 19: Magic Commands and Alternatives Lesson 20: Built-in Terminal
Section V:Data Visulization, talks about basic plotting, interactive plotting and Interactive plot widget in Jupyter Notebook. It include 3 Lessons:
Lesson 21: Basic Plots
Lesson 22: Interactive Plots
Lesson 23: Interactive Plot Widgets
Section VI: Notebooks Organizing and Displaying, talks about creating a table of content for a Jupyter notebook and multiple notebooks, converting notebook to a presentation slideshow and to a standalone web application.
Lesson 24: Creating a Table of Content
Lesson 25: Coverting Notebook into a Slideshow
Lesson 26: Converting Notebook into Standalone Web Application