MSP430 Calculator
#####Purpose Create a calculator program in assembly that reads a string of specific bytes as a math function and solves it The following bytes represent operations 0x11 - add 0x22 - subtract 0x33 - multiply 0x44 - clear 0x55 - end
##Pre-Lab The program will take a mathmatical operation as an input in the form of an array of bytes. The array will need a pointer which will be a register the array pointer will need to change after each operation is done and increment by enough to point at the next operation there will need to be temp variables to store operands. A register will do this.
#####Psuedo Code
final ADD_OP = 0x11;
final SUB_OP = 0x22;
final MUL_OP = 0x33;
final CLR_OP = 0x44;
final END_OP = 0x55;
input[arrayPtr] = a bunch of operations;
result[] = 0x230-0x240;
operand = input[arrayPtr];
operation = input[arrayPtr+1];
2ndOperand = input[arrayPtr+2];
if(operation == 0x11){
}else if(operation == 0x22){
}else if(operation == 0x33){
}else if(operation == 0x44){
}else if(operation == 0x55){
result[] = operand + 2ndOperand;
arrayPtr = arrayPtr+3;
jmp main;
result[] = operand - 2ndOperand;
arrayPtr = arrayPtr+3;
jmp main;
result[] = operand * 2ndOperand;
arrayPtr = arrayPtr+3;
jmp main;
result[] = 0x00;
jmp main;
##Lab Process The lab design process was broken into 2 main parts, the switch "if else" statements and the actual mathmatical operation functions. First the switches were made. ######Case Switch
cmp.b #0x11, r6
jeq ADD_OP
cmp.b #0x22, r6
jeq SUB_OP
cmp.b #0x33, r6
jeq MUL_OP
cmp.b #0x44, r6
jeq CLR_OP
cmp.b #0x55, r6
jeq END_OP
jmp END_OP
Next the operations were dealt with ######Add The add operation was simple, add the two registers and return, oveflow was also considered
add.b r7, r8
jc AddOverflow
jmp reset
######Subtract The subtration operation was similar to the addition, overflow had to be handled differently
sub.b r7, r8
cmp #0xFF, r8
jeq SubOverflow
jmp reset
######Multiply Multiplying in assembly was accomplished used a methid know as peseant multiplication where one
mov.w r7, r13
mov.w #0x00, r9
rra.b r13
jc MulAdd
cmp.b #0x01, r7
jeq reset
rla.b r8
jc AddOverflow
rra.b r7
rla.b r8
add.b r9, r8
jc AddOverflow
difficulties with the multiplication method occured becasue I initilly didn't have the subtraction overflow properly handled. ######B Functionality To check for overflows the jc instruction was used. If there was a carry, an overflow occured
#####Difficulties/Debugging The hardest part of the program was getting the pointer to always line up with the right place in the "input array" the "pointer" in the program was a register that incremented after each reference.