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Movie Tracker

It is a test task application with 5 screens:

  1. Main screen with list of aveliable genres, filter and search toolbar.
  2. Movies list sreen with movie cover, short info and "Add to favorite" button.
  3. Movie info screen with movie cover, full info and 4 tabs (Info, Cast, Review, Video).
  4. Favorite movies screen.
  5. Movie trailers screen.
  • API calls made with Retrofit+OkHttp+GSON.
  • Ability to work offline made by Room (saving/getting information from data base).
  • For easy image loading used Glide library.
  • To make asynchronous API calls and DB transactions and returning result in proper thread used RxJava2
  • Made some custom views like GenreView on main screen, PinCodeView for Password reset dialog and CustomToolbarSearchView.
  • Made sync with server for update all movies that saved in DB every 4 hours (by WorkManager).
  • Loging to sync saved movies in DB with TMDB server.
  • Parental control to avoid showing 18+ movies, protected by password.
  • Adding movies to favorites.
  • Filterig and sorting movies.
  • Searching movies.
  • Saving covers to disk when cover is long pressed.
  • ZoomIn/ZoomOut on cover press.
  • Support Horizontal/Vertical orientation.
  • Ability to wotk offline.


Main movie_list info menu

favorite_list info cast

review video trailer

search reset_password

hor_movies_list hor_casts

hor_main hor_sort

Libraries and technologies used


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