Chosen as a Flutter Favorite by the Flutter Ecosystem Committee
Unopinionated, extensible and highly customizable package to help you lazily load and display small chunks of items as the user scrolls down the screen – known as infinite scrolling pagination, endless scrolling pagination, auto-pagination, lazy loading pagination, progressive loading pagination, etc.
Designed to feel like part of the Flutter framework.
By (step-by-step, hands-on, in-depth, and illustrated).
class ListViewScreen extends StatefulWidget {
const ListViewScreen({super.key});
State<ListViewScreen> createState() => _ListViewScreenState();
class _ListViewScreenState extends State<ListViewScreen> {
late final _pagingController = PagingController<int, Photo>(
getNextPageKey: (state) => state.lastPageIsEmpty ? null : state.nextIntPageKey,
fetchPage: (pageKey) => RemoteApi.getPhotos(pageKey),
void dispose() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) => PagingListener(
controller: _pagingController,
builder: (context, state, fetchNextPage) => PagedListView<int, Photo>(
state: state,
fetchNextPage: fetchNextPage,
builderDelegate: PagedChildBuilderDelegate(
itemBuilder: (context, item, index) => ImageListTile(item: item),
For more usage examples, please take a look at our cookbook or check out the example project.
Architecture-agnostic: Works with any state management approach, from setState to BLoC. Not even Future usage is assumed.
Layout-agnostic: Out-of-the-box widgets corresponding to GridView, SliverGrid, ListView and SliverList – including
constructors. Not enough? You can easily create a custom layout. -
API-agnostic: By letting you in complete charge of your API calls, Infinite Scroll Pagination works with any pagination strategy.
Highly customizable: You can change everything. Provide your own progress, error and empty list indicators. Too lazy to change? The defaults will cover you.
Extensible: Seamless integration with pull-to-refresh, searching, filtering and sorting.
Listen to state changes: In addition to displaying widgets to inform the current status, such as progress and error indicators, you can also use a listener to display dialogs/snackbars/toasts or execute any other action.
if you are upgrading the package, please check the migration guide for instructions on how to update your code.