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E.W.Ayers committed Sep 19, 2021
1 parent cf852f1 commit 623eec5
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Showing 17 changed files with 256 additions and 79 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions leanpkg.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
name = "lean-humanproof"
version = "0.1"
lean_version = "leanprover-community/lean:3.19.0"
lean_version = "leanprover-community/lean:3.33.0"
path = "src"

mathlib = {git = "", rev = "329393a78d910d4e347d2abe0905bd72bda9c2bf"}
mathlib = {git = "", rev = "075ff371481316d01bc4785d3f803af6f90a3171"}
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions src/basic/binder.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
/- © E.W.Ayers 2019 -/
import meta.expr

def binder_info.is_explicit : binder_info → bool
| binder_info.default := tt
| _ := ff

namespace binder

meta def push_local : binder → tactic.unsafe.type_context expr
Expand All @@ -25,4 +29,10 @@ meta def to_lam : binder → expr → expr
meta def mk_local : binder → tactic expr
| ⟨n, i, y⟩ := tactic.mk_local' n i y

meta def is_explicit : binder → bool
| ⟨n, i, y⟩ := i.is_explicit

meta def mk_default : → expr → binder
| n y := ⟨n,binder_info.default,y⟩

end binder
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/basic/pattern_table.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -111,4 +111,7 @@ meta def get : pattern_table α → expr → tactic (list α)
meta def of_list : list (entry α) → pattern_table α
| l := list.foldr insert ∅ l

meta instance pt_has_append : has_append (pattern_table α ) :=
show has_append (listdict _ _), by apply_instance

end pattern_table
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/basic/queue.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ meta def dequeue : pqueue p → option (α × pqueue p)
| pq := do
q ← dict.min pq,
(a,q) ← q.dequeue, -- should not be empty
if is_empty q then pure (a, dict.erase (p a) pq) else
if queue.is_empty q then pure (a, dict.erase (p a) pq) else
pure (a, dict.insert (p a) q pq)

meta def of_list : list α → pqueue p
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44 changes: 29 additions & 15 deletions src/basic/table.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -91,23 +91,28 @@ namespace dict
:= rb_map.fold r l $ λ k a acc, acc.modify (λ o, option.rec_on o a $ merger k a) k
meta instance : has_append (dict k α) := ⟨merge⟩
meta def fold {β} (r : β → k → α → β) (z : β) (d : dict k α) : β := rb_map.fold d z (λ k a b, r b k a)
meta def mfold {T} [monad T] {β} (f : β → k → α → T β) (z : β) (d : dict k α) : T β := rb_map.mfold d z (λ k a b, f b k a)
meta def mfold {T} [monad T] {β} (f : β → k → α → T β) (z : β) (d : dict k α) : T β :=
rb_map.mfold d z (λ k a b, f b k a)
meta def map {β} (f : α → β) (d : dict k α) : dict k β := f d
meta def filter (p : k → α → bool) (d : dict k α) := fold (λ d k a, if p k a then insert k a d else d) empty d
meta def filter (p : k → α → bool) (d : dict k α) :=
fold (λ d k a, if p k a then insert k a d else d) empty d
meta def collect {β} (f : k → α → dict k β) := fold (λ d k a, d ++ f k a) empty
meta def choose {β} (f : k → α → option β) := fold (λ d k a, match f k a with (some b) := insert k b d | none := d end) empty
meta def choose {β} (f : k → α → option β) :=
fold (λ d k a, match f k a with (some b) := insert k b d | none := d end) empty
meta def keys : dict k α → table k := fold (λ acc k v, table.insert k acc) ∅
meta def to_list : dict k α → list (k×α) := rb_map.to_list
meta def min : dict k α → option α := rb_map.min
meta def max : dict k α → option α := rb_map.max
/--[HACK] not efficient, don't use in perf critical code. Use min.-/
meta def first : dict k α → option (k×α) := fold (λ o k a, option.rec_on o (some (k,a)) some) none
/--[HACK] not efficient. Use min if you don't need the key.-/
meta def first : dict k α → option (k×α) :=
fold (λ o k a, option.rec_on o (some (k,a)) some) none
meta def any (f : k → α → bool) : dict k α → bool := fold (λ o k a, o || f k a) ff
meta def all (f : k → α → bool) : dict k α → bool := fold (λ o k a, o && f k a) tt
meta instance dict_has_union [has_union α] : has_union (dict k α) := ⟨dict.merge_with (λ _, (∪))⟩
section formatting
open format
meta instance [has_to_string α] [has_to_string k] : has_to_string (dict k α) := ⟨λ d, (λ s, "{" ++ s ++ "}") $ list.to_string $ dict.to_list $ d⟩
meta instance [has_to_string α] [has_to_string k] : has_to_string (dict k α) :=
⟨λ d, (λ s, "{" ++ s ++ "}") $ list.to_string $ dict.to_list $ d⟩
-- meta instance has_to_format [has_to_format α] [has_to_format k] : has_to_format (dict k α) := ⟨λ d,
-- to_fmt "{" ++ group (nest 1 $ join $ list.intersperse ("," ++ line) $ (λ (p:k×α), to_fmt p.1 ++ " ↦ " ++ to_fmt p.2) $ dict.to_list d) ++ to_fmt "}"
Expand All @@ -118,7 +123,7 @@ namespace dict
end formatting
end dict

/--dictionary with a default if it doesn't exist. You define the default when you make the dictionary. -/
/-- dictionary with a default if it doesn't exist. You define the default when you make the dictionary. -/
meta structure dictd (k : Type) (α : Type) : Type :=
(val : dict k α)
(default : k → α)
Expand All @@ -128,7 +133,8 @@ namespace dictd
meta instance [inhabited α] : has_emptyc (dictd k α) := ⟨empty (λ _, inhabited.default α)⟩
meta def get (key : k) (dd : dictd k α) : α := dict.get_default (dd.2 key) key dd.1
meta def insert (key : k) (a : α) (dd : dictd k α) : dictd k α := ⟨dict.insert key a dd.1, dd.2
meta def modify (f : α → α) (key : k) (dd : dictd k α) : dictd k α := ⟨dict.modify (λ o, f $ option.get_or_else o (dd.2 key)) key dd.1, dd.2
meta def modify (f : α → α) (key : k) (dd : dictd k α) : dictd k α :=
⟨dict.modify (λ o, f $ option.get_or_else o (dd.2 key)) key dd.1, dd.2
meta def of_dict (default : k → α) : dict k α → dictd k α := λ d, ⟨d, default⟩
end dictd

Expand All @@ -140,11 +146,16 @@ namespace tabledict
variables {κ α : Type} [has_lt κ] [decidable_rel ((<) : κ → κ → Prop)] [has_lt α] [decidable_rel ((<) : α → α → Prop)]
meta def empty : tabledict κ α := dict.empty
meta instance : has_emptyc (tabledict κ α) := ⟨empty⟩
meta def insert : κ → α → tabledict κ α → tabledict κ α := λ k a d, dict.modify_default ∅ (λ t, t.insert a) k d
meta def erase : κ → α → tabledict κ α → tabledict κ α := λ k a d, dict.modify_when_present (λ t, t.erase a) k d
meta def get : κ → tabledict κ α → table α := λ k t, dict.get_default ∅ k t
meta def contains : κ → α → tabledict κ α → bool := λ k a d, match dict.get k d with |(some t) := t.contains a | none := ff end
meta instance [has_to_tactic_format κ] [has_to_tactic_format α] : has_to_tactic_format (tabledict κ α) := ⟨λ (d : dict κ (table α)), tactic.pp d⟩
meta def insert : κ → α → tabledict κ α → tabledict κ α :=
λ k a d, dict.modify_default ∅ (λ t, t.insert a) k d
meta def erase : κ → α → tabledict κ α → tabledict κ α :=
λ k a d, dict.modify_when_present (λ t, t.erase a) k d
meta def get : κ → tabledict κ α → table α :=
λ k t, dict.get_default ∅ k t
meta def contains : κ → α → tabledict κ α → bool :=
λ k a d, match dict.get k d with |(some t) := t.contains a | none := ff end
meta instance [has_to_tactic_format κ] [has_to_tactic_format α] : has_to_tactic_format (tabledict κ α) :=
⟨λ (d : dict κ (table α)), tactic.pp d⟩
meta def fold {β} (f : β → κ → α → β) : β → tabledict κ α → β := dict.fold (λ b k, table.fold (λ b, f b k) b)
meta def mfold {T} [monad T] {β} (f : β → κ → α → T β) : β → tabledict κ α → T β := dict.mfold (λ b k, table.mfold (λ b, f b k) b)
meta def to_list : tabledict κ α → list α := list.collect (table.to_list ∘ prod.snd) ∘ dict.to_list
Expand All @@ -161,7 +172,8 @@ namespace listdict
meta instance : has_emptyc (listdict κ α) := ⟨empty⟩
meta def insert : κ → α → listdict κ α → listdict κ α | k a d := dict.modify_default [] (λ t, a :: t) k d
meta def inserts: κ → list α → listdict κ α → listdict κ α | k as d := dict.modify_default [] (λ t, as ++ t) k d
meta def pop : κ → listdict κ α → option (α × listdict κ α) | k d := match dict.get_default [] k d with |[] := none |(h::t) := some (h, dict.insert k t d) end
meta def pop : κ → listdict κ α → option (α × listdict κ α) | k d :=
match dict.get_default [] k d with |[] := none |(h::t) := some (h, dict.insert k t d) end
meta def get : κ → listdict κ α → list α | k d := dict.get_default [] k d
meta def fold {β} (f : β → κ → α → β) : β → listdict κ α → β := dict.fold (λ b k, list.foldl (λ b, f b k) b)
meta def mfold {T} [monad T] {β} (f:β → κ → α → T β) : β → listdict κ α → T β := dict.mfold (λ b k, list.mfoldl (λ b, f b k) b)
Expand All @@ -170,9 +182,11 @@ namespace listdict
meta instance has_pp [has_to_tactic_format κ] [has_to_tactic_format α] : has_to_tactic_format (listdict κ α) := ⟨λ (d : dict κ (list α)), tactic.pp d⟩
meta def of : list (κ × list α) → listdict κ α := list.foldl (λ acc p, prod.rec inserts p acc) ∅
meta def map {β} (f : α → β) : listdict κ α → listdict κ β := ( f)
meta def append : listdict κ α → listdict κ α → listdict κ α := dict.merge_with (λ k, (++))
meta instance ld_has_append : has_append (listdict κ α) := ⟨append⟩
end listdict

/--A table which tracks the number of times that a given key has been inserted. -/
/-- A table which tracks the number of times that a given key has been inserted. -/
meta def mtable (κ : Type) [has_lt κ] [decidable_rel ((<) : κ → κ → Prop)] : Type := dict κ ℕ

namespace mtable
Expand Down
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/basic/tactic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -118,4 +118,10 @@ meta def with_state {α} : tactic_state → tactic α → tactic α
write tso,
pure a

meta def return_except {α ε} [has_to_format ε] : except ε α → tactic α
| (except.ok a) := pure a
| (except.error e) := e

end tactic
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions src/basic/telescope.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -76,4 +76,23 @@ meta def to_cotelescope : telescope → cotelescope := list.reverse

meta instance : has_coe telescope nat := ⟨list.length⟩

meta def length : telescope → nat := list.length

/-- Finds the index of the deepest binder that satisfies the given predicate.
Note that the indexing scheme gives the shallowest binder the index zero. -/
meta def find_index (predicate : binder → Prop) [decidable_pred predicate] : telescope → option ℕ
| [] := none
| (h :: t) := if predicate h then some t.length else find_index t

meta def reverse_beta : telescope → expr → expr
| Γ f := Γ.to_lams $ expr.mk_app f $ expr.var $ list.reverse $ list.range Γ.length

end telescope

/-- Given a constant function name `f`, infers the type of `f` and returns `f` as a pi_type telescope. -/
meta def tactic.fn_type_of_pis : name → tactic (telescope × expr)
| n := do
f ← tactic.mk_const n,
y ← tactic.infer_type f,
pure $ telescope.of_pis y
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/examples/analysis.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ class met_space (X : Type) extends has_dist X :=
(dist_comm : ∀ x y, dist x y = dist y x)
(dist_triangle : ∀ x y z, dist x z ≤ dist x y + dist y z)

attribute [classnoun "metric space"] met_space

open met_space

variables {X Y: Type} [met_space X] [met_space Y] {A B : set X}
Expand All @@ -23,7 +25,6 @@ def is_uniform_limit (f : ℕ → X → Y) (g : X → Y) :=

def continuous (f : X → Y) :=
∀ (x : X), ∀ (ε : ℝ), (ε > 0) → ∃ (δ : ℝ), (δ > 0) ∧ ∀ (y : X), dist x y < δ → dist (f x) (f y) < ε

def sequence (X : Type) := ℕ → X

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51 changes: 28 additions & 23 deletions src/examples/groups.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import group_theory.group_action group_theory.coset
import hp.tactic.hp_interactive

namespace examples

Expand All @@ -11,7 +12,8 @@ attribute [class] is_hom
variables [is_hom f]
lemma : f 1 = 1 :=
apply eq_one_of_mul_self_left_cancel,
apply mul_right_eq_self.1,
show (f 1) * (f 1) = (f 1),
rw ←‹is_hom f›,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -70,26 +72,29 @@ begin
... = 1 : by simp

#check subgroup.normal



variables {G : Type} [group G]
variables {H : subgroup G} {a b : G}

#check left_coset
lemma test_1 (x : G) : x = x :=
begin [hp]


variables {H : subgroup G} {a b : G}

lemma mem_own_left_coset : a ∈ left_coset a H :=
show ∃ (h : G), (h ∈ H) ∧ a * h = a,
use (1 : G),
show (1 : G) ∈ H,
apply subgroup.one_mem,
show a * (1 : G) = a,
begin [hp]

-- show ∃ (h : G), (h ∈ H) ∧ a * h = a,
-- use (1 : G),
-- split,
-- show (1 : G) ∈ H,
-- apply subgroup.one_mem,
-- show a * (1 : G) = a,
-- simp

theorem G1 : (left_coset a H = left_coset b H) ↔ b⁻¹ * a ∈ H :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -133,19 +138,19 @@ end

/- Every kernel is a normal subgroup -/

def kernel {H G : Type} [group H] [group G] (f : H → G) [group_hom]
-- def kernel {H G : Type} [group H] [group G] (f : H → G) [group_hom]

example :
-- example :

/- This one is too classical.
-- /- This one is too classical.

-- example : (¬ disjoint (left_coset a H) (left_coset b H)) → left_coset a H = left_coset b H :=
-- begin
-- intros h₁,
-- refine (G1 ).2 _,
-- apply set.disjoint.union_left
-- end
-- -/
-- -- example : (¬ disjoint (left_coset a H) (left_coset b H)) → left_coset a H = left_coset b H :=
-- -- begin
-- -- intros h₁,
-- -- refine (G1 ).2 _,
-- -- apply set.disjoint.union_left
-- -- end


Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/hp/core/hyp.lean
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Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ namespace hp

open tactic

/-- Just a helper type for local_constant so I don't have to error handle all the time. -/
/-- A helper type for local_constant. [todo] rename from hyp -/
@[derive decidable_eq]
meta structure hyp :=
(uniq_name : name)
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27 changes: 24 additions & 3 deletions src/hp/core/labeller.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,28 @@
import basic hp.core.source

/- System for assigning labels to things that is not as bad as the built in one. -/

/-! System for assigning labels to things.
Labels are chosen from hard-coded sets of letters.
Which set is used depends on the type of the thing being labelled.
So for example a group element should be labelled with `g`, `h` etc
but a point in a metric space should be labelled with `x`, `y` etc.
[todo] Allow adding new suggested name lists with attributes.
[todo] I think that a lot of non-humanproof tactics would benefit (in terms of user-friendliness) from
using this kind of labelling system. Perhaps there is some way it can be integrated with Lean.
# Labelling pools
A labelling pool is a dictionary `string ⇀ list string` sending a key string to a set of possible labels.
A labeller is defined by three pools:
- Class pool: sending names of classes `𝒞` to labels for types `α` that are instances of `𝒞`.
For example a type `_ : Type` implementing `group _` should be labelled `G`.
If a class has multiple arguments, the first argument is always bound to.
- Element pool: Suppose we have `α : Type` and `[𝒞 α]` for some typeclass `𝒞`, then the element pool contains labels for the elements of `α`.
For example, `{G : Type} [group G]` causes `_ : G` to be labelled `g` or `h`. While `[metric_space X]` will be labelled `x y : X`
- Type pool: takes the function constant name of a type as the key and returns element names for that type.
Eg terms of type `set α` will be labelled `A`, `B` etc.
namespace hp

meta def labeller.pool := listdict string string
Expand All @@ -26,7 +47,7 @@ meta instance {n} {l : labeller} : decidable (n ∈ l) := by apply_instance

meta def default_labels := ["x", "y", "z", "v", "w", "a", "b", "c"]

meta def default_class_pool : listdict string string :=
meta def default_class_pool : pool :=
listdict.of [
("category", ["C", "D", "E"]),
("group", ["G", "H"]),
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/hp/core/proper.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -151,6 +151,8 @@ meta def smallest_absent_composite_subterms (lhs : expr) (rhs : zipper) :=

/-- The pretty printer will automatically instantiate vars which leads to an issue where
earlier clauses will talk about variables that later get assigned.
The 'dummifier' solves this by replacing instantiated metavariables with dummy undeclared
variables before they are pretty printed.
meta def dummify {α} [assignable α] : (expr × name) → α → tactic α
| ⟨ms, n⟩ x := do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -269,6 +271,7 @@ meta def get_distance (outer : expr) (l : expr) (r : expr) : tactic ℕ := do
meta def get_proper_children (e : expr) : tactic (list expr) := do
e ← tactic.instantiate_mvars e,
( cursor <$> prod.snd <$> (down_proper $ zip e)) <|> pure []

meta def get_smallest_complex_subterms (z : zipper) : tactic (list zipper) := do
minimal_monotone (λ z, do ⟨_,[]⟩ ← down_proper z | failure, pure z) z

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/hp/rewrite/equate_attr.lean
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Expand Up @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ attribute [equate] mul_sub_right_distrib
namespace set_rules
universe u
variables {α : Type u} {A B C : set α}
def ext : (∀ a, a ∈ A ↔ a ∈ B) → A = B := begin intro, funext, rw <-iff_eq_eq, apply a x end
def ext : (∀ a, a ∈ A ↔ a ∈ B) → A = B := begin intro h, funext, rw <-iff_eq_eq, apply h x end
@[equate] def A1 : A \ B = A ∩ (Bᶜ) := begin refl end
@[equate] def A2 : ( B ∩ C )ᶜ = Bᶜ ∪ Cᶜ := ext $ λ a, ⟨λ h, classical.by_cases (λ aB, classical.by_cases (λ aC, absurd (and.intro aB aC) h) or.inr ) or.inl,λ h, or.cases_on h (λ h ⟨ab,_⟩, absurd ab h) (λ h ⟨_,ac⟩, absurd ac h)⟩
-- @[equate] def A3 : - ( B ∪ C ) = - B ∩ - C := ext $ λ a, ⟨λ h, ⟨h ∘ or.inl,h ∘ or.inr⟩, λ ⟨x,y⟩ h₂, or.cases_on h₂ x y⟩
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