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Stephen Pascoe edited this page Apr 9, 2014 · 7 revisions
Wiki Reorganisation
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Working Groups

  1. Working Groups

ESGF Working Groups are groups of interested contributors focused on specifying, designing and coding features and solutions that further the project mission. Working groups are the organizational unit behind the orchestration of new features. Working groups provide a purpose driven consensus based mechanism for organizing and executing tasks. Working groups have a goal , defined tasks , timelines (they are not open- ended) and deliverables . Working groups must produce a report (documentation) on their work which is to be included in the overall website/wiki literature. The working groups consists of interested individuals and a _ Project Leader _ who is the point person for coordinating the logistics of the mechanics for code contributions. The _ Project Leader _ in this context is the key architectural driver for how development is integrated into the host project and coordinates its release. Working groups meet regularly, we have found that tools like doodle poll help greatly with coordinating working group meetings. Working groups are proposed on the [email protected] mailing list and must have at least 4 contributors, one of whom must be a _ Project Leader _ . The Project Leader does not have to be the "lead" the working group, the proposer the working group would be the most likely candidate, but this is not by fiat but more usually because they are more proactive in coordinating the execution of their proposal. In the absence of a working group coordinator the Project Leader would usually play this role. The role of a Project Leader is specific and tied to the artifact / the project. The working group leader also has specific responsibilities w.r.t reporting and group coordination.

This _ purpose driven _ approach to building features for allows the project to adapt quickly, be effective and build consensus early. Oh and yes, it keeps things fun and you get to working interesting, smart and enthusiastic people like yourself!!! :-)

Working Groups


[ Registry Group ]( oups|RegistryGroup)


Search Group


[ Security Group ]( oups|SecurityGroup)


[ Threeds / Publishing Group ]( FInterfaceGroups|ThreddsGroup)

[ Information Architecture (Data Model) Group ](|InformationArchitecture)


[ Metadata Group ]( oups|MetadataGroup)


QC / DOI Group


[ Notification Group ]( ceGroups|NotificationGroup)


(note: Use the WorkingGroupTemplate to start a new working group - fill out the entries)

_ See the roadmap page for specific activities taking place and their POCs (point of contacts) _

(work in progress)

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