474 commits
to main
since this release
What's Changed
Model physics
- capacity to scale or offset the inputs (runoff, evaporation, and precipitation) by @ShervanGharari in #412
- connect lake module to the other routing methods by @nmizukami in #421
- connect lake module to kwt routing routine by @nmizukami in #427
- Adding a few channel properties and water take option for other routing by @nmizukami in #428
- Enable to run at user specified routing time step rather than using coupling_frequency by @nmizukami in #429
- IRF water take by @nmizukami in #430
- Fix a restart issue for a single core by @nmizukami in #415
- set runoff depth unit correctly in meta by @nmizukami in #422
- Fix error in writing history_file variable for gauge-only history file in restart file by @nmizukami in #423
- Fixed upstream reach detection for cesm-coupling branch by @nmizukami in #441
Miscellaneous improvement
- Refactoring related to PIO decomposition initialization by @nmizukami in #431
- Fixing readthedoc setup by @nmizukami in #435
- new readthedoc requirement by @nmizukami in #433
- conf.py path fixed in .readthedoc.yaml by @nmizukami in #434
- cheyenne build readme update by @nmizukami in #442
- Remove testmod fixes for ccs_config by @ekluzek in #416
Library updates
- Externals update by @nmizukami in #432
- update manage_externals version by @nmizukami in #440
Full Changelog: cesm-coupling.n01_v2.1.0...cesm-coupling.n02_v2.1.2