Fire weather projections for Canada
Scripts to create CanLEAD-FWI-v1. To be run in order presented below.
---------------------- IN FOLDER: noontime_estimates ---------------------- Find timing (time offset in decimal hours) of sunrise and solar noon in UTC for each grid cell, for both CanLEAD and CanRCM4 grids from 1950-2100. Determine unknown temperature offset parameters (offset of tmin and tmax from sunrise and solar noon, respectively); required to estimate noontime values of FWI inputs. Determine values from CanRCM4 hourly temperature data. Take ensemble average of temperature offset parameters found in Regrid from CanRCM4 grid to CanLEAD grid (NAM-44 to NAM-44i) using nearest neighbour. Regrid land-sea and land-glacier mask of CanRCM4 to CanLEAD grid using nearest neighbour. Calculate noontime estimated values of temperature and RH from daily maximum and minimum temperature and daily average RH, using temperature offset parameters and time of solar noon determined above.
---------------------- IN FOLDER: main ---------------------- Canada bounds definitions, data packing (scale/offset). Does not need to be run. Calculate gridded Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System projections using xclim.