Releases: EBVcube/EBVCubeVisualizer
EBVCubeVisualizer v1.0.0
🌍 EBVCubeVisualizer v1.0.0 – First Official Release 🎉
EBVCubeVisualizer is a QGIS plugin designed to visualize biodiversity-related netCDF datasets seamlessly within QGIS. This tool allows researchers, conservationists, and environmental analysts to interact with Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) efficiently.
With this first official release, users can load, subset, and export biodiversity data directly within QGIS, integrating it into their geospatial workflows.
🚀 Features & Improvements:
✅ Visualization of netCDF files containing biodiversity data.
✅ Direct support for EBVcube datasets, ensuring interoperability with global biodiversity data standards.
✅ Exploration of biodiversity Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) at different spatial and temporal resolutions.
✅ Hierarchical dataset navigation to explore data by entities, scenarios, metrics and Data cube
✅ Metadata visualization for better dataset understanding before processing.
✅ Subsetting tools by scenarios, metrics, entities, and time.
✅ Optimized compatibility with QGIS 3.x versions.
✅ Focus on Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) for research applications.
🌍 Get Biodiversity Data from the EBV Data Portal
The EBV Data Portal ( is a global resource for Essential Biodiversity Variable (EBV) datasets, providing netCDF files ready for visualization in EBVCubeVisualizer.
How to Get EBV Data:
1️⃣ Visit the EBV Data Portal.
2️⃣ Browse available Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) datasets.
3️⃣ Download the netCDF files relevant to your study.
4️⃣ Open QGIS and load the downloaded netCDF file using EBVCubeVisualizer.
5️⃣ Start exploring the dataset.
💡 Tip: EBVs cover a wide range of biodiversity indicators, including species distribution, ecosystem structure, and more...
🛠 Installation Guide:
1️⃣ Download this repository as zip file
2️⃣ Open QGIS and go to Plugins > Manage and Install Plugins...
3️⃣ Click on Install from ZIP
and select the downloaded file.
3️⃣ Activate the plugin by checking the box next to "EBVCubeVisualizer" in the Installed
📌 Make sure to have the required dependencies installed (check the README for details).
🐞 Bug Reports & Feature Requests:
Encountered an issue? Want to suggest an improvement? Submit an issue here:
➡️ GitHub Issue Tracker
🔗 Resources:
📖 EBV Data Portal – Download netCDF biodiversity datasets
💻 Source Code & Development
📧 Maintainer Contact: [email protected]