Asp.Net Core 2+ & Angular (5+) multi apps supported, Webpack full featured application, integrate Angular Core 5.0+ app with AspNet Core Server Pre-rendering.
[Note: You must set Required Section of 'app.settings.production.json', to the dotnet User-Secrets, see ## User Secrets ]
[Note: You must set Required Section of 'app.settings.production.json', to the dotnet User-Secrets, see ## User Secrets ]
[Note: You must set Required Section of 'app.settings.production.json', to the dotnet User-Secrets, see ## User Secrets ]
- dotnet restore
- npm install
- npm run npm-libraries
- npm shrinkwrap [ optional ]
In app.settings.json, there are 3 settings in 'MigrateAndSample' section, configure as you need
For creating Main database [ SQL Server | SQLite ], which is also (Identity | User) Database
- dotnet ef migrations add Initial -c SQLServerContext
For Creating Secondary database [SQLite | any relational database] , which is used for non secured data, such as Images and
Media, Site Navigation Menus
- dotnet ef migrations add Initial -c SQLiteContext -o Migrations/Sqlite
[Note: Applying migrations and calling sample data injection, is automatic. When app runs with 'dotnet run' ]
[PS: see settings in 'app.settings.json' ]
In app.settings.json, there are 2 settings in 'Database' section,
configure as you need.
In app.settings.json, there are connection strings and database names in 'ConnectionStrings' section,
configure as you need.
This app is using dotnet user-secrets service, to save and use User Related information,
such infos are Admin [UserName, Password, Role, Email ] etc.
And, for DatabaseAdmin[UserName, Password] etc.
Set these settings in User-Secrets by using the commented lines in 'app.settings.production.json'.
This app contains, SQL Localization, inspired by Damien Bod's -,
AspNetCore Localization project.
The local version is with few major customization-
Learn more at
- [DreamzDev.Localization.Sql](
- [this repo](
[Must execute following commands ]
[Must execute following commands ]
[Must execute following commands ]
- dotnet ef migrations add Initial -c LocalizationModelContext -o Migrations/Localization
- dotnet ef database update -c LocalizationModelContext
- dotnet run
- Comment 'UseEnvironment' in 'Program.cs'
- dotnet run
[Note: must comment the line in 'Program.cs' - 'UseEnvironments('Development')' ]
- npm run dotnet-publish
To run application from published folder
- dotnet AspNetCore2Angular5.dll
To publish to hosting server, you choose your preferred method and host and follow their instructions
Damien Bod, Asadsahi, MarkPieszak and many more open source community superstars
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