Releases: Draylar/battle-towers
3.4.1 for 1.17.1
Fixes a crash with a Tower Guardian AI attack.
1.17.1 release
Thanks to Fran for the help with this update.
This update contains a complete rework to the Tower Guardian boss, but it is still a work-in-progress. Let me know what you think!
3.3.3 fixes and Foreign Key
3.3.3 adds a mod icon to the game, fixes tool models, and adds in a Foreign Key, which can be used by operators to spawn in new Battle Towers.
3.2.2 fixes for 1.16.4
- full 1.16.4 update
- fix issue where BTs would spawn above world height and crash game
- fix texture/asset errors on game start
3.3.0 beta for 1.16.4
Fixed a crash, buffed Key armor, and added a key armor set bonus. Also tweaked loot tables.
3.2.1 beta for 1.16.4
Fixes a crash with Snowy Tundra towers and adds config validation thanks to feedback from TelepathicGrunt.
add static content
3.1.0 beta for 1.16.2
Warning: install at your own risk. 1.16.2 changed a lot of stuff and this might break things.
3.0.3 beta for 1.16.1
Fixes a bug where some towers would spawn with no spawners/chests. Bosses now drop actual enchanted books.