Fully customized build script for Oracle WebLogic Server (WLS) based on oraclelinux Image from Dockerhub
- build.sh: Main script for installing Oracle WLS and configuring Oracle WLS Domain
- build.ini: Sample configuration file to customize Oracle WLS installation and WLS Domain creation
- dockerfile.template: template Dockerfile, which will be used as master file for customized WLS installation and Domain configuration
- install.rsp: Oracle response file for silent installation of Oracle WebLogic Server
- oraInst.loc: Oracle Inventory location file
- script_templates/Dockerfile.template: template Dockerfile, which will be used as master file for customized WLS Domain creation
- script_templates/create-wls-domain.template: template create-wls-domain.py file, which will be used as master file for customized WLS Domain creation
Docker must be installed and configured on your target server. Oracle Linux image should be present in your Docker or make sure that your server has the possibility to pull the Oracle Linux image from Docker Hub. Transfer all files including script_templates directory to your Docker Server.
Following configuration parameter must be used within the Config File (sample file build.ini):
# WLS Installation values
# Domain Creation values
Parameters explained:
WLS Installation Parameters:
- Version: the Oracle WebLogic Server 3-digit Release number
- ImageName: Image creation name for the Oracle WebLogic Server image
- JdkRpm: specifies the to be used JDK rpm, must be downloaded before from [http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index-jsp-138363.html]
- WlsSource: specifies the to be used WebLogic Server installation source, must be downloaded before from [http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/middleware/fusion-middleware/downloads/index.html]. You can only use the Generic WebLogic Installer
- OracleLinux: specifies the required Oracle Enterprise Linux Base Image. Important Note: use only from oraclelinux:7 going, as with oraclelinux:6 are some bugs due to read-only filesystem problems
WLS Domain Creation Parameters:
- AdminPassword: defines the password for the WLS admin user named weblogic
- AdminPort: defines the port for the AdminServer of the WLS Domain, must be unique
- NodeManagerPort: defines the port for the NodeManager of the WLS Domain, must be unique
- ManagedServerPort: defines the port for the Managed Server of the WLS Domain, must be unique
- WlsImageName: defines the Image name for the to be created WLS Domain within Docker, must be unique
- WlsContainerName: defines the docker name for the to be started WLS Admin Server, must be unique