Warning:Please don't use Embarcadero Dev-C++. It may cause unknown error. Using Dev-C++ 5.x is better.
警告:请不要使用 Embarcadero Dev-C++ 进行编译。由于其对中文的支持不完善,可能会产生未知问题。建议使用 Dev-C++ 5.x。
Record your focused time and auto to rest / 记录专注时间并自动休息
You can use it to record your focused time, and you can stop it in any time. / 你可以使用它来记录专注时间,并能够在任何时间停止专注。
It can set the time you should rest depend on how much time you focus. / 它能自动计算你应该休息的时间,这取决于你的专注时间。
Warning: Please do not keep open it across days, because I am too lazybusy to write this part of the code.