Library for advanced multihitbox mobs. Can sync hitboxes to geckolib bones
The goal is to simplify the process of creating multipart entities. Also it allows synching hitboxes to geckolib animations!
The license needs to be met (GNU license).
In addition to that, the following points must be met too:
- Jarinjaring, shadowing or directly including the source code or a built jar of this project in any way is not allowed unless otherwisely discussed with me personally.
- Forks and ports: not allowed. period. If you want it for a different version, create a pull request on github.
- Forks in any form of the library created for the intent to publish it somewhere else are not allowed. Excuses are to be aranged with me via e-mail contact ([email protected]). Pull requests are allowed and welcome. Reuploading forks or ports to other mod loaders or minecraft versions are not permitted, if you want it for different versions, create a pull request on github.
- Complete re-uploads (of the source code or builds) on other sites is not permitted unless explicitly permitted by me.
- Usage of the library in commercial projects (as in you get any form of direct monetary revenue for this (e.g. writing a mod for some youtuber)) is not permitted by default. For permission, contact me via e-mail ([email protected]) directly
- If the library is being used, the authors of this library have to be mentioned at least in the mod's credits section
- If the library is being used in a commercial (as in you get any form of direct monetary revenue for this (e.g. writing a mod for some youtuber)) projects, direct credit has to be given and we need to be contacted first for permission
In short: as a user installing this mod, just install it normally. If you are a developer that wants to use this library in their mod: don't be a dick, depend on it NORMALLY without including this jar or the source code in your stuff and if you make profits via some "40k$ mr beast mod" stuff then please ask in before if it is alright. Leeching from the work of others isn't cool.
To use MHLib, use cursemaven for mixinbooster and either ivy or cursemaven for the main library itself.
For ivy, you need to do this:
repositories {
ivy {
name "Github Releases - DT Versioning" // Github Releases
url ""
patternLayout {
artifact "[organisation]/[module]/releases/download/MC[revision]/[module]-[revision].[ext]"
metadataSources { artifact() }
maven {
name "CurseMaven"
url ""
dependencies {
implementation fg.deobf("dertoaster98:multihitboxlib:${mc_version}-${multihitboxlib_version}@jar")
// This is the 0.1.0 version for 1.20.1
implementation fg.deobf("curse.maven:mixinbooster-980731:5146058")
${mc_version} and ${multihitboxlib_version} are parameters drawn from, so set them there. Example:
For just cursemaven, you need to do this:
repositories {
maven {
name "CurseMaven"
url ""
dependencies {
// This is the 1.8.1 version for 1.20.1
implementation fg.deobf("curse.maven:multihitboxlib-899090:5779529")
// This is the 0.1.0 version for 1.20.1
implementation fg.deobf("curse.maven:mixinbooster-980731:5146058")
Please depend on the library like a normal mod! That in essence means add it to your mods requirements list and don't shadow or jar-in-jar or directly include it or similar in your mod's jar or source code.
- Project discord server: MHLib Discord
- E-Mail (for contacts regarding commercial use. Alternatively, ask on the discord server): [email protected]