- The api is very similar to java8 streams
- Lazy by default
- Made because of boredom
- Python: https://github.com/Degubi/Py-Seq
npm install @degubi/js-seq
Minified .js file is available in the 'build' directory, .ts file is available in the src directory
Usage (Docs)
import { Sequence } from './seq.js';
Sequence.range(0, 10); // 1 to 10 excluding 10
Sequence.rangeClosed(0, 10) // 1 to 10 including 10
Sequence.range(0, 10, 2); // 1 to 10 stepping 2, excluding 10
Sequence.iterate(1, k => k * 2) // 1, 2, 4, 8.... this sequence is infinite
Sequence.iterate(1, k => k * 2, k => k < 50) // Same as the last one but taking values less than 50 (same as doing a takeWhile)
Sequence.generate(readline) // Generate strings with reading from console
Sequence.from(1, 3, 3, 7, 4, 2, 0) // Sequence of elements
Sequence.from([ 1, 2, 3 ]) // Create sequence from array
- These operations do nothing by themselves, they only start doing work when the terminal operation gets called
- Function list:
filter | map | flatMap | distinct |
take | skip | takeWhile | skipWhile |
sort | sortAscending | sortDescending | chunk |
- Examples:
Sequence.range(0, 100); // Need to create a new sequence with every new pipeline
.filter(k => k % 2 === 0) // Keep only even values in the sequence
.map(k => k * 2) // Multiply them by 2
.skip(2) // Skip the first 2 elements
.take(10) // Take the first 10 elements only
.sortAscending() // Sort them in ascending order
Sequence.from({ prop1: 5, prop2: 'hey' }, { prop1: 5, prop2: 'ho'}, { prop1: 20, prop2: 'hi' })
.distinct(k => k.prop1) // Many functions have key selecting overloads, default is always identity
.sortDescending(k => k.prop1) // Same happens here
Sequence.from({ data: [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] }, { data: [ 5, 6, 7, 8 ] })
.flatMap(k => k.data)
.takeWhile(k => k < 6)
- Function list:
forEach | reduce | toArray | toMap | partitionBy |
sum | count | average | min | max |
groupBy | first | last | join | statistics |
allMatches | anyMatches |
- Examples
const seq = Sequence.range(0, 100); // Let's assume we recreate this sequence every time
seq.forEach(console.log); // Print every value to the console
seq.reduce(0, (k, l) => k + l); // Sum all values
seq.sum(); // Shorthand for summing
seq.count(); // Count number of elements in sequence
seq.min(); // Find the smallest value in the sequence, has key selector overload
seq.max(); // Find the largest value in the sequence, has key selector overload
seq.average(); // Average of the values in the sequence
seq.toArray(); // Collect all elements into an array
seq.first(); // Find the first element in the sequence, this returns the element or null
seq.last(); // Find the last element in the sequence, this returns the element or null
seq.join(','); // Join elements with a comma
seq.statistics(); // Returns an object with sum, count, min, max, average properties
const seq = Sequence.from({ prop1: 5, prop2: 'hey' }, { prop1: 20, prop2: 'hi' }, { prop1: 20, prop2: 'hey' });
// Creates an object where the keys are from 'prop1' and the corresponding values are from 'prop2'
// Note: This call throws an error because of the duplicate 'prop1: 20' key
seq.toMap(k => k.prop1, k => k.prop2);
// This is the same as the last example, but this version handles the duplicate key problem by keeping the first value
seq.toMap(k => k.prop1, k => k.prop2, (key, previousValue, currentValue) => previousValue);
// Returns true if the given predicate is true for all elements of the sequence
seq.allMatches(k => k.prop1 > 0);
// Returns true if the given predicate is true for any of the elements of the sequence
seq.anyMatches(k => k.prop2 === 'nope');
// Groups elements by 'prop1' where the values are the objects that had the same key
seq.groupBy(k => k.prop1);
// This does the same as the last example
seq.groupBy(k => k.prop1, Grouper.toArray());
// Groups elements prop1' where the value is the frequency of the key
seq.groupBy(k => k.prop1, Grouper.counting());
// Groups elements by 'prop2' where the value is the sum of 'prop1'
seq.groupBy(k => k.prop2, Grouper.summing(k => k.prop1));
// First array contains the elements where the predicate was true
const [matching, notMatching] = seq.partitionBy(k => k.prop1 % 2 === 0);