An example Playbook (with Roles) to automate the provisioning of K3s and ancillary tooling on a Turing Pi cluster.
- Format and mount NVME drive to
- Install K3s (1 Server, 3 Agents)
- Install Gateway API CRD's
- Install Cilium with BGP Peering
- Install Cert Manager
- Install ArgoCD (used for long term management)
Initiate the install:
ansible-playbook ./playbooks/bootstrap.yml -i ./inventory/hosts.ini --ask-vault-pass
Delegate management of the cluster to ArgoCD:
ansible-playbook ./playbooks/delegate.yml -i ./inventory/hosts.ini
To remove K3s and contents of /mnt/data
run ansible-playbook ./playbooks/uninstall.yml -i ./inventory/hosts.ini