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@stxue1 stxue1 released this 12 Feb 18:34
· 12 commits to master since this release

Highlighted Features Added

  • toil debug-job now has --retrieveTaskDirectory <dir> which will set up a job's downloaded files under <dir> and try to stop the job after doing the downloads. Jobs can call self.files_downloaded_hook() to provide a stopping point for this mode. (#4815)
  • toil debug-job can now reconstruct the inside-the-container environment for CWL and WDL tasks. (#4815)
  • Added support for caching on Slurm and other HPC schedulers (#4775)
  • Replace all instances of boto2 with boto3 for all Toil AWS code (#4718)
  • Add support for Python 3.12 (#4718)
  • Add support for Python 3.13 (#5145)
  • Ceph input/output errors from file locking functions are now tolerated. (#4874)
  • Toil now uses flock to enable directory locks to work properly (#4924)
  • Added support to get Slurm partitions and automatically send jobs to GPUs on Slurm (#4833) (supports both CWL and WDL)
  • New --symlinkJobStoreReads=False option lets you force local-node copies (possibly in the cache) even when reading directly from a FileJobStore is possible, potentially reducing shared filesystem IO. (#4673)
  • Toil now supports reading and writing MiniWDL's call cache. (#4797)
  • Toil now supports running CWL and WDL workflows from Dockstore, by using either a Dockstore page URL or TRS ID as the URL/filename of the workflow to run. Since these often contain ? or #, remember to quote them on the command line! (#5049)
  • Add support for parallel file imports (#5114)
    • New argument --importWorkersThreshold. This specifies the threshold where files will begin to be imported on individual jobs. Small files will be batched into the same import job up to this threshold.
    • --importWorkersDisk defaults to 1 MiB. Should be increased when download streaming is not possible on a worker.

Breaking Changes


  • Prevent simultaneous Singularity container pulls in toil-cwl-runner (#4990)
  • Added support to import files on workers for toil-cwl-runner (#5025)
    • --runImportsOnWorkers to enable importing files on workers
    • --importWorkersDisk to control how much disk space the import worker will use
  • Don't error when passing through input as the output (#5138)
  • CWL jobs with dynamic requirements now have input type checking properly protected by their conditionals. (#4930)
  • Fixed a LoadListing bug with CWL workflows (#5149)
  • Fix CWL Workflow Slurm memory test (#5151)
  • workDir and jobStore defaults to tmp-outdir-prefix (#5154)
  • CWL container prepull: no reason to if extensions are enabled, they are now supported by cwl-utils 0.36+ (#5188)
  • CWL container prepull: skip if --no-containers is specified (#5188)


  • Update WDL conformance tests on CI (#4875)
  • Added support to run task only WDL files (#4960)
  • Added support for the gpu field in WDL (#4949)
  • Support passing inputs into toil-wdl-runner for task only WDLs (#4977)
  • toil-wdl-runner will now carry through task exit codes (#4978)
  • toil-wdl-runner will respect explicit null values for optional inputs (#4981)
  • toil-wdl-runner will not immediately error on nonexistent coerced files until outputted (#4994)
    • File? type for string to file coercion is now supported (will be nullified)
  • WDL output files will now live in directories named after their tasks instead of UUID directories (#5008)
  • Fixed a bug with conditional statements inside a WDL scatter (#5055)
  • toil-wdl-runner now correctly finds and returns outputs from tasks in scatters and conditionals when a WDL workflow lacks an output section. (#5094)
  • toil-wdl-runner has a new --allCallOutputs option to allow including all calls' outputs in a workflow's output. (#5093)
  • toil-wdl-runner can now detect and try not to delete the outputs of a workflow that is meant to use the Cromwell Output Organizer (croo). Note that croo still can't actually work on the output of toil-wdl-runner. (#5093)
  • --allCallOutputs no longer discards WDL workflow outputs section outputs. (#5106)
  • File virtualization in toil-wdl-runner now only happens at task boundaries (#5028)
    • File to String coercion should be supported
  • Added support to import files on workers for toil-wdl-runner (#5103)
  • Support WDL 1.1 disk specification as per spec (#5001)
  • Fixed a bug with WDL file imports (#5121)



  • Toil can now use connexion 4 (#5196)
  • Toil now uses htcondor 23.6 or 24, which are still on PyPI


  • Makefile: use isolated builds, add dist target (sdist+wheel) and deprecate the sdist target. (#4820) (#4826)
  • Toil will now wait --jobStoreTimeout seconds (default: 30) to see an update to/removal of a job that was run, and will not let the job succeed unless it is seen to make progress. (#3814)
  • Toil job descriptions no longer have a command field, and we track the link to the job body and the command to invoke the Toil worker separately. (#4811)
  • Several typos in the docs were fixed (#4889)
  • Add a test to ensure batchsystem plugins are installable (#4879)
  • Fix Toil utils to work without the AWS extra (#4953)
  • Print commit hash with toil --version when installed from source. Before: 7.1.0a1. After: 7.1.0a1-ccf57e6071e32675daabdcbacb91988e871745a9 (#4954)
  • Fixed a broken URL and an omitted variable in CI tests (#4974)
  • Generate default config correctly (#5014)
  • Use the latest setuptools when running cactus. (#5017)
  • Toil will refuse to proceed if it detects that its coordination directory or a Singularity cache directory it needs to lock is on Ceph, to prevent hanging the Ceph MDS (#4972)
  • Fix a NotImplementedError in the Grid Engine batchsystem (#5061)
    • Added basic Grid Engine CI tests
  • Update Cactus on CI to 2.9.0 (#5062)
  • Separate out create/delete iam role functions into lib.
  • Remove deprecated pipes module (#5122)
  • New --slurmTime/TOIL_SLURM_TIME setting to set the time limit on Slurm jobs in a way Toil itself understands. (#5010)
  • New --slurmPE argument to allow setting a parallel-job Slurm partition without using TOIL_SLURM_PE (#5010)
  • New --slurmArgs argument to allow specifying extra Slurm submission arguments without using TOIL_SLURM_ARGS (#5010)
  • For non-GPU jobs on Slurm, Toil will submit the job to a partition with a time limit long enough to accommodate the configured runtime (from --slurmTime). (For GPU jobs, the lowest-priority GPU partition is still always used.) (#5010)
  • Toil now has a --slurmDefaultAllMem option to run jobs lacking their own memory requirements with Slurm's --mem=0, so they get a whole node's memory. (#4971)
  • toil-cwl-runner now has --no-cwl-default-ram (and --cwl-default-ram) to control whether the CWL spec's default ramMin is applied, or Toil's own default memory logic is used. (#4971)
  • The --dont_allocate_mem and --allocate_mem options have been deprecated and replaced with --slurmAllocateMem, which can be True or False. (#4971)
  • Added WDL unit tests to CI (#5110)
  • Mesos build updated. (#5049)
  • CWL and WDL argument parsing revised for Python 3.12. (#5049)
  • Organize stats and logging files into stats/inbox and stats/archive and avoid a circular rename. (#1727)
  • Added proper FTP support for jobstores (#5134)
  • URL existence and size gets/checks are now done with HEAD requests (#5134)
  • Dependabot configuration should now pass schema validation and is itself under CI (#5175)
  • Toil now tests a version of Cactus that ought to run on Python 3.13. (#5184)
  • WDL conformance tests on Kubernetes may now run for 30 minutes. (#5185)
  • When importing files on workers, fall back to importing on the leader when file sizes are not obtainable (#5135)

Thank you to our contributors: @stxue1, @DailyDreaming, @adamnovak, @mr-c, @gmloose, @davidjsherman!