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TNU Release Instructions

Lon Blauvelt edited this page Oct 8, 2021 · 3 revisions
  1. Create a fresh clone:

     git clone
     cd terra-notebook-utils/
  2. Directly edit the version and bump:

     nano terra_notebook_utils/
     git add terra_notebook_utils/
     git commit -m "Bump version for release."
     git push origin master
  3. Set a tag for the release and push:

    git tag -a '0.8.2' -m '0.8.2'
    git push origin 0.8.2
  4. Set up a virtualenv and install TNU from source as well as the upload packages:

    virtualenv -p python3.7 venv
    . venv/bin/activate
    pip install pip setuptools --upgrade
    pip install wheel twine --upgrade
    pip install .
  5. PyPI - WARNING: This step cannot be redone! First make sure that the proper credentials are in ~/.pypirc, then:

     python bdist_wheel sdist
     twine upload dist/*whl
  6. On GitHub create a release pointing to this tag. Include release notes giving an overview of bug fixes and new features in this release. Use the number of commits to master since the last release to see the changes. Note contributors.

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