Interactive dashboard with a calendar widget as the main filter
This dataset is a collection of features related to various laptops, such as brand, processor type, RAM, storage capacity, and other specifications.
London Bike Sharing Dataset
FitBit Fitness Tracker About a company Bellabeat, a high-tech manufacturer of health-focused products for women. Bellabeat is a successful small company, but they have the potential to become a lar…
The data is public data from a bike sharing company. It starts from the year 2019 quarter 2 until 2020 quarter 1 (1 year).
The World Happiness Report consists of the scores from nationally representative samples for the years 2015-2019.
This data set consists of three types of entities: (a) the specification of an auto in terms of various characteristics, (b) its assigned insurance risk rating, (c) its normalized losses in use as …
This data set consists of three types of entities: (a) the specification of an auto in terms of various characteristics, (b) its assigned insurance risk rating, (c) its normalized losses in use as …