this is a simple API base on Django and DRF .
this API built top of default ViewSet and Router, and have token authorization.
there is diffrent api for admins control and users articles.
there is refresh and login, base on token.
schema base on
swagger-ui and
Path -> /swagger-ui/
we start our python environment
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
after that we run collectstatic and migrate command on database
python migrate
python collectstatic
and running server
# with daphne
daphne core.asgi:application
# with django
python runserver
for unit-test
python test
- python-3.13
- django-5.1
- djangorestframework-3.15
- drf-spectacular-0.28
- drf-spectacular-sidecar-2024.12
- daphne-4.1