[v1.1.3] - 2021-10-27
Updated e2e test for signup and unsubscribe workflow
Change color on confirmation when feedback submited successfully for feedback component
Updated content on the experiments, about and sign up pages
Updated French path in French language
Added text to the feedback form to clearly indicate that the text area is required
Added metadata support for HTML, OpenGraph and Twitter to every page
Removed signup confirmation/validation pages from search engine indexing
Added projects disclaimer to the main body text of each page
Screen reader users are now notified of the current state of the feedback form (whether it's expanded or collapsed)
The error message that appears when a user submits an empty feedback form is now announced to screen reader users
The two <p>
tags above the feedback form textarea are now announced to screen reader users by use of aria-describedby
The feedback form close button is now before the <h2>
in page order
Typo in the redirect path for the thank you page when switching back to EN
Focus is properly set to before elements in status message after submitting feedback form
See full changelog here
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