Structural comparison of binding sites based on atom types and distances
To use CompareCBS, you need to have R installed along with the following packages:
To set up the required environment, follow these steps:
Create a new environment and install the necessary R packages:
mamba create -n legacy_pepit r-base r-essentials r-bio3d r-igraph r-cowplot r-fastcluster r-openxlsx mamba activate legacy_pepit
Install the
package manually, as it has been removed from the CRAN repository:wget R
In the R console, install the downloaded package:
To install the legacy pepit
package, open R in the folder containing the package file and run:
Binding site files should be formatted as classical PDB files with one modification: atom typing should be specified in column 77 (1-based index).
- Cα: A
- Aromatic carbon: a
- Cβ: b
- Sidechain oxygen: o
- Backbone carbon: C
- Backbone oxygen: O
- Backbone nitrogen: N
- Sidechain carbon (non-aromatic): c
- C1: s
- Other carbons: g
- Oxygens: u
Different chains can be selected during the comparison process. It is advisable to rename chains according to the precise selections you intend to compare.
To compare binding sites, use the following command:
Rscript sugar.R [target_pdb] [chains] [query_pdb] [prefix]
Rscript sugar.R data/5EYX_1_MAN_1.pdb A,B data/1DGL_1_MAN_3.pdb examples/jacalin_vs_l-type
The comparison script outputs four types of files:
: Alignment file containing the correspondence between each mapped atom..index
: Summary of the.score
: Contains alignment metrics, notably the coverage (number of atoms mapped), alignment mean distortion (mean dist), and its score (coverage weighted by atomic pair distortion)..pdb
: Contains the aligned query to the target.
By default, if the same prefix is used multiple times, sugar.R
will append the .al
, .index
, and .score
files and create new .pdb
[1] Rasolohery, Inès, Gautier Moroy, and Frédéric Guyon. "PatchSearch: a fast computational method for off-target detection." J Chem. Info. Model. 2017.
[2] Rey, Julien, Inès Rasolohery, Pierre Tufféry, Frédéric Guyon, and Gautier Moroy. "PatchSearch: a web server for off-target protein identification." Nucleic Acids Res, 2019.
[3] Guyon, Frédéric, and Gautier Moroy. "Non-sequential alignment of binding sites for fast peptide screening." bioRxiv, 2023.
[4] More recent version of pepit