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Jeffrey Dawson edited this page Mar 7, 2018 · 4 revisions

Data Source Manuals

CMC GIOPS V1.1.1 Product Manual

CCMEP GIOPS V2.1 Technical Note

RIOPS V1.1.0 Product Manual

RIOPS V1.1 Technical Note

Developer Tools

React Developer Tools useful for viewing the React components and states.

The data pipelines could possibly be improved by use of one of the following programs:

  • hcron: "a periodic command scheduler along the lines of the ubiquitous cron–but with some really useful differences". In use at Environment Canada for daily operations.

  • ecFlow: "a work flow package that enables users to run a large number of programs (with dependencies on each other and on time) in a controlled environment". In use at the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECWMF) to run their our operational suites.

Plot Types

here is a map showing the tripolar projection used for the data source for GIOPS Polar projections Tripolar projection source

coordinate transforms

this site can transform coordinates from one projection to another.

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