The coding club material is usually in the form of .pdf
, .md
or notebooks.
- 20221105-The Julia programming language - Jinguo Liu
- 20221112-Create a static website with Franklin.jl - Jinguo Liu
- 20230218-An introduction to Zulip - Yusheng Zhao
- 20230225-Automatic differentiation - Jinguo Liu
- 20230303-Adapt latex template to personal use - Tong Yuan
- 20230318-The Evolution of NLP: From Language Modeling to ChatGPT's Success with Prompt - Yijie Xu
- 20230325-Essential Julia packages - Jinguo Liu
- 20230401-Help Desk: Linux and Git - Yusheng Zhao
- 20230408-Simulated annealing for solving the spin-glass problem - Jinguo Liu
- 20230408-Message Passing Interfaces (MPI) - Jinguo Liu
- 20230527-Error in Floating Point System - Xuanzhao Gao
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