- Place subfloor-*.xml in the build-res directory.
- Add subfloor-js.xml to the build.xml
- Create a build file based on sample.build.js in the build-res directory.
Projects wishing to import JS from other projects need to include subfloor-js.xml and modify their ivy.xml as follows
<conf name="js"/> <!-- add js config -->
<!-- Example JS dependency -->
<dependency org="pentaho" name="common-ui" rev="TRUNK-SNAPSHOT" conf="js->default" transitive="false">
<artifact name="common-ui" type="js" ext="zip" m:classifier="js"/>
Publishing Javscript from a project is straight-forward. Set the "module.script.dir" property in build.xml
<property name="module.script.dir" value="resource/script"/>
Modify the ivy.xml and add the "js" artifact.
<artifact name="pentaho-dashboards" type="jar" conf="default" ext="jar"/>
<artifact name="${ivy.artifact.id}" m:classifier="js" type="js" ext="zip" conf="js" /> <-- Javascript source -->