The Littlelemon API Project is the final assignment for the APIs Course part of the Meta BackEnd Developer Professional Certificate on Coursera.
The API endpoints for this project provide the functionality to create, edit and delete users, roles for each user, such as Customer, Delivery Crew or Manager, menu items, categories for menu items, shopping cart, and orders. Every API endpoint has authorization and permissions constraints as well as throttling, pagination, and filtering.
- OS: MacOS
- Programming Language: Python3
- Database: SQLite3
- API Framework: Django REST framework
- Authentication: Djoser
- Clone the repo.
git clone
- Create the virtual environment and install the dependencies.
pipenv install
Run the server by
cd Littlelemon && python runserver
Anonymous User | None | YES |
Customer | Customer | YES |
Delivery Crew | Delivery crew | YES |
Manager | Manager | YES |
Admin | SysAdmin | NO |
Defined in the Littlelemon/LittleLemonAPI/
Field Name | Type |
id | Integer |
title | Char |
slug | Slug |
Field Name | Type |
id | Integer |
title | Char |
price | Decimal |
category | Category |
Field Name | Type |
id | Integer |
user | User |
menuitem | MenuItem |
quantity | SmallInteger |
unit_price | Decimal |
price | Decimal |
Field Name | Type |
id | Integer |
user | User |
delivery_crew | User |
status | Boolean |
total | Decimal |
data | Data |
Field Name | Type |
id | Integer |
order | Order |
menuitem | MenuItem |
quantity | SmallInteger |
unit_price | Decimal |
price | Decimal |
Defualt host address: http://localhost:8000/)
Endpoint | Method | Available Group | Purpose |
/users |
POST | ALL | Creates a new user with name, email and password |
/users/users/me/ |
GET | ALL | Displays the current user |
/token/login/ |
POST | ALL | Generates access tokens |
Endpoint | Method | Available Group | Purpose |
/api/groups/manager/users |
GET | Manager | Returns all managers |
/api/groups/manager/users |
POST | Manager | Assigns the user in the payload to the manager group |
/api/groups/manager/users/{userId} |
DELETE | Manager | Removes this particular user from the manager group |
/api/groups/delivery-crew/users |
GET | Manager | Returns all delivery crews |
/api/groups/delivery-crew/users |
POST | Manager | Assigns the user in the payload to the delivery crew group |
/api/groups/delivery-crew/users/{userId} |
DELETE | Manager | Removes this particular user from the delivery crew group |
Endpoint | Method | Available Group | Purpose |
/api/menu-items |
GET | ALL | Lists all menu items |
/api/menu-items |
POST | Manager | Creates a new menu item |
/api/menu-items/{menuItem} |
GET | ALL | Lists single menu item |
/api/menu-items/{menuItem} |
PUT,PATCH,DELETE | Manager | Updates/deletes single menu item |
Endpoint | Method | Available Group | Purpose |
/api/cart/menu-items |
GET | Customer | Lists current items in the cart for the current user |
/api/cart/menu-items |
POST | Customer | Adds the menu item to the cart |
/api/cart/menu-items |
DELETE | Customer | Deletes all menu items created by the current user |
Endpoint | Method | Available Group | Purpose |
/api/orders |
GET | Customer, Delivery crew | Returns all orders with order items created by this user or assigned to the delivery crew. |
/api/orders |
GET | Manager | Returns all orders |
/api/orders |
POST | Customer | Creates a new order item for the current user. Gets current cart items from the cart endpoints and adds those items to the order items table. Then deletes all items from the cart for this user. |
/api/orders/{orderId} |
GET | Customer | Returns all items for this order id if the order belongs to the current user |
/api/orders/{orderId} |
PUT,PATCH | Delivery crew, Manager | Update the order. Manager can use it to assign delivery crew. Delivery crew can use it to update the delivery status. |
/api/orders/{orderId} |
DELETE | Manager | Deletes this order |
Filtering, searching, and ordering are supported for Menu-items and Order management endpoints.
Using endpoint api/menu-items?from_price=5&to_price=10&ordering=price
, get menu items whose price is from 5 to 10, and the results are ordered by price.
Pagination and throttling are supported for Menu-items and Order management endpoints. These two functionalities supported by the Django REST Framework