Advanced Initiative Tracker is a web application designed to help Dungeons & Dragons game masters streamline initiative tracking and battle information management. Inspired by a solution previously implemented with Google Sheets, this app offers a smoother and more automated workflow.
- Initiative Rolling: Automatically calculate participant initiative order, factoring in DEX modifiers.
- HP Tracking: Display participant health status using color codes (green, yellow, red).
- Automatic Sorting: Arrange participants based on initiative scores.
- Automatic Stat Block Retrieval: Automatically fetch character attributes by name (e.g., "Goblin 1").
- Real-Time Battle Tracking: Highlight the active participant and turn while managing conditions.
- Cristina Rits (@cristinarits)
- Germo Tael (@MRmikimous)
- Morten-Paul Mühlberg (@mortenpaul)
- Taiki-Viia Tungal (@Citronnelle)
- Framework: Next.js
- Styling and Design: TailwindCSS
- Database and Authentication: Supabase
- Testing: Vitest, Playwright
- Deployment: Vercel
- Code Formatting and Quality: Prettier