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Database Schema Overview

This document outlines the database structure used in the Advanced Initiative Tracker project.

Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Database Schema ERD

Common Fields

The following fields are present in most tables for consistency and audit purposes:

Field Type Description
id uuid Unique identifier, primary key.
is_public boolean Indicates if the record is visible to others.
created_at timestamp Record creation timestamp.
modified_at timestamp Last modification timestamp (nullable).
deleted_at timestamp Soft deletion timestamp (nullable).
user_id uuid User who owns the record (foreign key).



Field Type Description
id uuid Unique identifier.
name text Name of the encounter.
is_public boolean Visibility to others.
created_at timestamp Timestamp of creation.
modified_at timestamp Timestamp of last update (nullable).
deleted_at timestamp Timestamp of soft deletion (nullable).
user_id uuid Owner of the record.


Field Type Description
id uuid Unique identifier.
name text Name of the stat block (e.g., "Goblin").
dexterity_score smallint Dexterity score used for initiative rolls.
hit_points_average smallint Average HP (nullable).
hit_points_formula text Formula to calculate HP (nullable).
base_armor_class smallint Base armor class value.
dex_applies_to_ac boolean Whether DEX modifier applies to armor class.
speed smallint Movement speed.
is_public boolean Visibility to others.
created_at timestamp Timestamp of creation.
modified_at timestamp Timestamp of last update (nullable).
deleted_at timestamp Timestamp of soft deletion (nullable).
user_id uuid Owner of the record.


Field Type Description
id uuid Unique identifier.
encounter_id uuid Foreign key referencing
stat_block_id uuid Foreign key referencing
type text Participant type (e.g., "Player").
name text Participant name.
rolled_initiative smallint Pre-calculated initiative roll (without DEX modifier).
hit_points_max smallint Maximum hit points.
group_no smallint Group number for sorting (nullable).
status text Status (e.g., "Alive").
is_public boolean Visibility to others.
created_at timestamp Timestamp of creation.
modified_at timestamp Timestamp of last update (nullable).
deleted_at timestamp Timestamp of soft deletion (nullable).
user_id uuid Owner of the record.


Field Type Description
id uuid Unique identifier.
encounter_id uuid Foreign key referencing
participant_id uuid Foreign key referencing
round_no smallint Round number.
hit_points_current smallint Current HP of the participant.
death_save_successes smallint Number of successful death saving throws.
death_save_failures smallint Number of failed death saving throws.
is_public boolean Visibility to others.
created_at timestamp Timestamp of creation.
modified_at timestamp Timestamp of last update (nullable).
deleted_at timestamp Timestamp of soft deletion (nullable).
user_id uuid Owner of the record.


Field Type Description
id uuid Unique identifier.
full_name text User's full name (nullable).
username varchar User's username (nullable).
website text User's personal website URL.
avatar_url text URL to the user's avatar.
created_at timestamp Timestamp of creation.
updated_at timestamp Timestamp of last update.


Table Foreign Key References Description
participants encounter_id Links participants to their encounter.
participants stat_block_id Links participants to their stat block.
combat_logs encounter_id Links combat logs to their encounter.
combat_logs participant_id Links combat logs to their participant.

For the full database schema, see schema.sql.