Mqtt App for Cisco Developer workshop.
Follow the steps defined in freeboard/ file and create once instance for your table.
- Git clone the mqtt_app repo.
- RUN: git clone
- cd mqtt_app
- Now if you want test the app locally please follow the steps defined below.
- To build the app in to docker container.
- RUN: sudo docker build -t mqtt . # This basically read Dockerfile and create a docker image with name 'mqtt'
- To view the image built, RUN: sudo docker images , you can see you image name populated
- To test the app inside a docker container, please find the below steps.
- To package the docker container in to IOx undestadable,
- RUN: sudo ioxclient docekr package <image_name> . # This will create package.tar file which can be installled on device
- First create ioxclient profile for a given device.
- RUN: ioxcient pr c For reference: root@ubuntu:/home/madawood/Documents/mqttApp/mqtt_app# ioxclient pr c Active Profile : default Enter a name for this profile : <device-name? Your IOx platform's IP address[] : <device_ip_address> Your IOx platform's port number[8443] : Authorized user name[root] : Password for root : Local repository path on IOx platform[/software/downloads]: URL Scheme (http/https) [https]: API Prefix[/iox/api/v2/hosting/]: Your IOx platform's SSH Port[2222]: Activating Profile device-name Saving current configuration
- RUN: ioxclient app li Should give response with list of apps installed or no apps installed
- RUN: ioxclient app install <app_name> package.tar # WIll deploy the app on device
- RUN: ioxclient app act <app_name> # Will activate the app
- RUN: ioxclient app start <app_name> # Will satart the app
- Check you is populating the data in UI.
- Install python on your machine, preferred version = 2.7
- Then install and run mosquitto broker on your local linux based machine.
- Steps to install mosquitto on ubuntu based server:
- RUN: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:mosquitto-dev/mosquitto-ppa
- RUN: sudo apt-get update
- RUN: sudo apt-get install mosquitto
- For further details refer:
- Steps to install mosquitto on ubuntu based server:
- Once you successfully installed mosquitto, below are the steps to run it. RUN: sudo mosquitto -v -p 1883 #mosquitto will start and listen on 18833 port(this can be changed as per the requirements).
- Now we need to install the python bindings for mosquitto broker and also other dependencies. * RUN: sudo apt-get install python-pip * RUN: pip install -r requirement.txt
- Setup the instance for UI to get populate from our app data.
- Steps to populate are mentioned in freeboard/ file
- Now we have environment created to run our app locally, so let's run it. Steps to run the app: First we need to start the publisher-simulator, RUN: python --host localhost --port port --topics wx,geo,buttons Then start the app, RUN: python (your package_config.ini subscribe topics should match with the topics given to above publisher-simulator) After successful execution of the above commands, check your UI in