Botkit default template 1st Release (master)
Features summary, check the README for details
- configuration through environment variables or hard-coded values in the .env file
- skills: organize your bot behaviours by placing 'commands', 'conversations' and 'events' in the skills directory
- user experience: the template comes with ready-to-use skills: a 'welcome' invite, as well as 'help' and 'fallback' commands.
- healthcheck: easily check that everything goes well by hitting the ping endpoint automatically exposed.
- metadata: expose extra info via command and on a public address so that Spark users can inquire on Bot Author / Legal mentions / Healthcheck endpoint...
- mentions: the appendMention utility function helps Spark users remind to mention the bot in Group spaces.
- popular cloud providers: the bot self-configures when run on Glitch, and also Heroku (if dyno-metadata are installed for Heroku).