- Getting started
- Set env
- Running dev environment
- Migrations
- Directory structure 1 Views 2. Pkg
- Versioning
- Production
- Using the right final image
Ensure the following dev-dependencies are installed:
- Ensure Go version 1.22.3 or later is installed. You can find installation/upgrade instructions here
- Install sqlc, it is the tool used to generate database boilerplate from queries. NOTE: Sqlc is not an ORM.
- Install templ, it generates the typed go templates, which is what the UI is. Make sure templ version matches the one installed in go.mod
- Install tailwindcss, NOTE: this step can be skipped by creating a new make file instruction to use
instead. - Install air, this ensures hot reloading of
file changes, useful when running dev env. NOTE: Air is already configured (check./air.toml
). You only need to install air
- Rename/copy env.example in the root to .env
- Get values from developer / AWS parameter store as above
- For connecting to local database
- Connecting to RDS on AWS, get the values from the parameter store as above
- Start the database by running
docker compose up
, use the-d
flag to run it as a daemon - Run
make dev
, this will run all the project dependencies in watch mode
- Ensure goose is installed
- Ensure DB is up and running
- Inside
, create a new migration file, in the format:<XXXX>_<useful_migration_name>.sql
- Run
make db-up
Run make db-down
. This will migrate down the second latest migration version
The server logs will show the current migration version
Most of the files and folders are self-explanatory. I'll only go through the ones, that might not be obvious.
The UI is built with franken-ui, which is an HTML only UI kit, perfect for this use case.
It uses tailwind-css to style elements. There are a bunch of pre-defined tailwind definitions which begin with uk-
, so look for these
first, only write tailwindcss when absolutely neccessary.
For making ajax requests to the server htmx is used.
All js interactions are handled using alpine. It also provides a set of useful UI components. I've paid for components, you can use my credentials if needed.
This is where all the templ files reside. This package is further divided into components, , and layouts.
layouts/ : Contains layout definitions and other dependencies to make the HTML look and run the way it should. Fonts, css, js, htmx, etc.
<models>/ : Create a folder for model pages, an example would be cases, which would have an index page, edit and delete page
components/ : Any reusable piece of HTML, especially ones that have js or css rules that might need to be consistent
All services that make the server function are defined here. Any new ones should be defined here as and when needed.
data/ : all the models which will be shared between UI and handlers are defined here, makes it easy to seemlessly return HTML in response to requests
handlers/ : All route handler and their definitions. Each model has their own handler file, and defines all CRUD and types here
middleware/ : Self explanatory
There is an internal/version
package that handles the current version. The Version
variable is updated during build time in production.
In a dev setting, it will use the default value of dev
To create a new version, use git tag <x.x.x>
. Use semantic versioning. You don't need to create a new tag everytime you push a new version. This
is handled by the Dockerfile
. Only create new tags for major updates.
When creating a new build using the make prod
command without a new tag. This is what the version info will look like:
- Server logs
- UI Footer
When making production builds, always use the make prod
command. DO NOT invoke the docker build
command manually. This ensures, the build tag and server
versions match. This will make it easier to handle managing containers much more easier.
Since we go-libsql
requires CGO
, unless the final image contains the neccessary glibc
binaries, the final binary will not run. You can check this by running ldd <go-binary>
The latest golang:1.23-bookworm
image seems to contain all the neccessary files. Hence, why I've chosen that.