All URIs are relative to, except if the operation defines another base path.
Method | HTTP request | Description |
getMetricTimeseriesData() | GET /data/v1/metrics/{METRIC_ID}/timeseries | Get metric timeseries data |
getOverallValues() | GET /data/v1/metrics/{METRIC_ID}/overall | Get Overall values |
listAllMetricValues() | GET /data/v1/metrics/comparison | List all metric values |
listBreakdownValues() | GET /data/v1/metrics/{METRIC_ID}/breakdown | List breakdown values |
listInsights() | GET /data/v1/metrics/{METRIC_ID}/insights | List Insights |
getMetricTimeseriesData($metric_id, $timeframe, $filters, $metric_filters, $measurement, $order_direction, $group_by): \MuxPhp\Models\GetMetricTimeseriesDataResponse
Get metric timeseries data
Returns timeseries data for a specific metric. Each interval represented in the data array contains an array with the following values: * the first element is the interval time * the second element is the calculated metric value * the third element is the number of views in the interval that have a valid metric value
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: accessToken
$config = MuxPhp\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()
$apiInstance = new MuxPhp\Api\MetricsApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$metric_id = video_startup_time; // string | ID of the Metric
$timeframe = array('timeframe_example'); // string[] | Timeframe window to limit results by. Must be provided as an array query string parameter (e.g. timeframe[]=). Accepted formats are... * array of epoch timestamps e.g. `timeframe[]=1498867200&timeframe[]=1498953600` * duration string e.g. `timeframe[]=24:hours or timeframe[]=7:days`
$filters = array('filters_example'); // string[] | Limit the results to rows that match conditions from provided key:value pairs. Must be provided as an array query string parameter. To exclude rows that match a certain condition, prepend a `!` character to the dimension. Possible filter names are the same as returned by the List Filters endpoint. Example: * `filters[]=operating_system:windows&filters[]=!country:US`
$metric_filters = array('metric_filters_example'); // string[] | Limit the results to rows that match inequality conditions from provided metric comparison clauses. Must be provided as an array query string parameter. Possible filterable metrics are the same as the set of metric ids, with the exceptions of `exits_before_video_start`, `unique_viewers`, `video_startup_failure_percentage`, and `views`. Example: * `metric_filters[]=aggregate_startup_time>=1000`
$measurement = 'measurement_example'; // string | Measurement for the provided metric. If omitted, the default for the metric will be used.
$order_direction = 'order_direction_example'; // string | Sort order.
$group_by = 'group_by_example'; // string | Time granularity to group results by. If this value is omitted, a default granularity is chosen based on the timeframe. For timeframes of less than 90 minutes, the default granularity is `minute`. Between 90 minutes and 6 hours, the default granularity is `ten_minutes`. Between 6 hours and 15 days inclusive, the default granularity is `hour`. The granularity of timeframes that exceed 15 days is `day`. This default behavior is subject to change; it is strongly suggested that you explicitly specify the granularity.
try {
$result = $apiInstance->getMetricTimeseriesData($metric_id, $timeframe, $filters, $metric_filters, $measurement, $order_direction, $group_by);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling MetricsApi->getMetricTimeseriesData: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
metric_id | string | ID of the Metric | |
timeframe | string[] | Timeframe window to limit results by. Must be provided as an array query string parameter (e.g. timeframe[]=). Accepted formats are... * array of epoch timestamps e.g. `timeframe[]=1498867200&timeframe[]=1498953600` * duration string e.g. `timeframe[]=24:hours or timeframe[]=7:days` | [optional] |
filters | string[] | Limit the results to rows that match conditions from provided key:value pairs. Must be provided as an array query string parameter. To exclude rows that match a certain condition, prepend a `!` character to the dimension. Possible filter names are the same as returned by the List Filters endpoint. Example: * `filters[]=operating_system:windows&filters[]=!country:US` | [optional] |
metric_filters | string[] | Limit the results to rows that match inequality conditions from provided metric comparison clauses. Must be provided as an array query string parameter. Possible filterable metrics are the same as the set of metric ids, with the exceptions of `exits_before_video_start`, `unique_viewers`, `video_startup_failure_percentage`, and `views`. Example: * `metric_filters[]=aggregate_startup_time>=1000` | [optional] |
measurement | string | Measurement for the provided metric. If omitted, the default for the metric will be used. | [optional] |
order_direction | string | Sort order. | [optional] |
group_by | string | Time granularity to group results by. If this value is omitted, a default granularity is chosen based on the timeframe. For timeframes of less than 90 minutes, the default granularity is `minute`. Between 90 minutes and 6 hours, the default granularity is `ten_minutes`. Between 6 hours and 15 days inclusive, the default granularity is `hour`. The granularity of timeframes that exceed 15 days is `day`. This default behavior is subject to change; it is strongly suggested that you explicitly specify the granularity. | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept:
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getOverallValues($metric_id, $timeframe, $filters, $metric_filters, $measurement): \MuxPhp\Models\GetOverallValuesResponse
Get Overall values
Returns the overall value for a specific metric, as well as the total view count, watch time, and the Mux Global metric value for the metric.
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: accessToken
$config = MuxPhp\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()
$apiInstance = new MuxPhp\Api\MetricsApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$metric_id = video_startup_time; // string | ID of the Metric
$timeframe = array('timeframe_example'); // string[] | Timeframe window to limit results by. Must be provided as an array query string parameter (e.g. timeframe[]=). Accepted formats are... * array of epoch timestamps e.g. `timeframe[]=1498867200&timeframe[]=1498953600` * duration string e.g. `timeframe[]=24:hours or timeframe[]=7:days`
$filters = array('filters_example'); // string[] | Limit the results to rows that match conditions from provided key:value pairs. Must be provided as an array query string parameter. To exclude rows that match a certain condition, prepend a `!` character to the dimension. Possible filter names are the same as returned by the List Filters endpoint. Example: * `filters[]=operating_system:windows&filters[]=!country:US`
$metric_filters = array('metric_filters_example'); // string[] | Limit the results to rows that match inequality conditions from provided metric comparison clauses. Must be provided as an array query string parameter. Possible filterable metrics are the same as the set of metric ids, with the exceptions of `exits_before_video_start`, `unique_viewers`, `video_startup_failure_percentage`, and `views`. Example: * `metric_filters[]=aggregate_startup_time>=1000`
$measurement = 'measurement_example'; // string | Measurement for the provided metric. If omitted, the default for the metric will be used.
try {
$result = $apiInstance->getOverallValues($metric_id, $timeframe, $filters, $metric_filters, $measurement);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling MetricsApi->getOverallValues: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
metric_id | string | ID of the Metric | |
timeframe | string[] | Timeframe window to limit results by. Must be provided as an array query string parameter (e.g. timeframe[]=). Accepted formats are... * array of epoch timestamps e.g. `timeframe[]=1498867200&timeframe[]=1498953600` * duration string e.g. `timeframe[]=24:hours or timeframe[]=7:days` | [optional] |
filters | string[] | Limit the results to rows that match conditions from provided key:value pairs. Must be provided as an array query string parameter. To exclude rows that match a certain condition, prepend a `!` character to the dimension. Possible filter names are the same as returned by the List Filters endpoint. Example: * `filters[]=operating_system:windows&filters[]=!country:US` | [optional] |
metric_filters | string[] | Limit the results to rows that match inequality conditions from provided metric comparison clauses. Must be provided as an array query string parameter. Possible filterable metrics are the same as the set of metric ids, with the exceptions of `exits_before_video_start`, `unique_viewers`, `video_startup_failure_percentage`, and `views`. Example: * `metric_filters[]=aggregate_startup_time>=1000` | [optional] |
measurement | string | Measurement for the provided metric. If omitted, the default for the metric will be used. | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept:
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listAllMetricValues($timeframe, $filters, $metric_filters, $dimension, $value): \MuxPhp\Models\ListAllMetricValuesResponse
List all metric values
List all of the values across every breakdown for a specific metric.
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: accessToken
$config = MuxPhp\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()
$apiInstance = new MuxPhp\Api\MetricsApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$timeframe = array('timeframe_example'); // string[] | Timeframe window to limit results by. Must be provided as an array query string parameter (e.g. timeframe[]=). Accepted formats are... * array of epoch timestamps e.g. `timeframe[]=1498867200&timeframe[]=1498953600` * duration string e.g. `timeframe[]=24:hours or timeframe[]=7:days`
$filters = array('filters_example'); // string[] | Limit the results to rows that match conditions from provided key:value pairs. Must be provided as an array query string parameter. To exclude rows that match a certain condition, prepend a `!` character to the dimension. Possible filter names are the same as returned by the List Filters endpoint. Example: * `filters[]=operating_system:windows&filters[]=!country:US`
$metric_filters = array('metric_filters_example'); // string[] | Limit the results to rows that match inequality conditions from provided metric comparison clauses. Must be provided as an array query string parameter. Possible filterable metrics are the same as the set of metric ids, with the exceptions of `exits_before_video_start`, `unique_viewers`, `video_startup_failure_percentage`, and `views`. Example: * `metric_filters[]=aggregate_startup_time>=1000`
$dimension = 'dimension_example'; // string | Dimension the specified value belongs to
$value = 'value_example'; // string | Value to show all available metrics for
try {
$result = $apiInstance->listAllMetricValues($timeframe, $filters, $metric_filters, $dimension, $value);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling MetricsApi->listAllMetricValues: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
timeframe | string[] | Timeframe window to limit results by. Must be provided as an array query string parameter (e.g. timeframe[]=). Accepted formats are... * array of epoch timestamps e.g. `timeframe[]=1498867200&timeframe[]=1498953600` * duration string e.g. `timeframe[]=24:hours or timeframe[]=7:days` | [optional] |
filters | string[] | Limit the results to rows that match conditions from provided key:value pairs. Must be provided as an array query string parameter. To exclude rows that match a certain condition, prepend a `!` character to the dimension. Possible filter names are the same as returned by the List Filters endpoint. Example: * `filters[]=operating_system:windows&filters[]=!country:US` | [optional] |
metric_filters | string[] | Limit the results to rows that match inequality conditions from provided metric comparison clauses. Must be provided as an array query string parameter. Possible filterable metrics are the same as the set of metric ids, with the exceptions of `exits_before_video_start`, `unique_viewers`, `video_startup_failure_percentage`, and `views`. Example: * `metric_filters[]=aggregate_startup_time>=1000` | [optional] |
dimension | string | Dimension the specified value belongs to | [optional] |
value | string | Value to show all available metrics for | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept:
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listBreakdownValues($metric_id, $group_by, $measurement, $filters, $metric_filters, $limit, $page, $order_by, $order_direction, $timeframe): \MuxPhp\Models\ListBreakdownValuesResponse
List breakdown values
List the breakdown values for a specific metric.
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: accessToken
$config = MuxPhp\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()
$apiInstance = new MuxPhp\Api\MetricsApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$metric_id = video_startup_time; // string | ID of the Metric
$group_by = 'group_by_example'; // string | Breakdown value to group the results by
$measurement = 'measurement_example'; // string | Measurement for the provided metric. If omitted, the default for the metric will be used.
$filters = array('filters_example'); // string[] | Limit the results to rows that match conditions from provided key:value pairs. Must be provided as an array query string parameter. To exclude rows that match a certain condition, prepend a `!` character to the dimension. Possible filter names are the same as returned by the List Filters endpoint. Example: * `filters[]=operating_system:windows&filters[]=!country:US`
$metric_filters = array('metric_filters_example'); // string[] | Limit the results to rows that match inequality conditions from provided metric comparison clauses. Must be provided as an array query string parameter. Possible filterable metrics are the same as the set of metric ids, with the exceptions of `exits_before_video_start`, `unique_viewers`, `video_startup_failure_percentage`, and `views`. Example: * `metric_filters[]=aggregate_startup_time>=1000`
$limit = 25; // int | Number of items to include in the response
$page = 1; // int | Offset by this many pages, of the size of `limit`
$order_by = 'order_by_example'; // string | Value to order the results by
$order_direction = 'order_direction_example'; // string | Sort order.
$timeframe = array('timeframe_example'); // string[] | Timeframe window to limit results by. Must be provided as an array query string parameter (e.g. timeframe[]=). Accepted formats are... * array of epoch timestamps e.g. `timeframe[]=1498867200&timeframe[]=1498953600` * duration string e.g. `timeframe[]=24:hours or timeframe[]=7:days`
try {
$result = $apiInstance->listBreakdownValues($metric_id, $group_by, $measurement, $filters, $metric_filters, $limit, $page, $order_by, $order_direction, $timeframe);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling MetricsApi->listBreakdownValues: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
metric_id | string | ID of the Metric | |
group_by | string | Breakdown value to group the results by | [optional] |
measurement | string | Measurement for the provided metric. If omitted, the default for the metric will be used. | [optional] |
filters | string[] | Limit the results to rows that match conditions from provided key:value pairs. Must be provided as an array query string parameter. To exclude rows that match a certain condition, prepend a `!` character to the dimension. Possible filter names are the same as returned by the List Filters endpoint. Example: * `filters[]=operating_system:windows&filters[]=!country:US` | [optional] |
metric_filters | string[] | Limit the results to rows that match inequality conditions from provided metric comparison clauses. Must be provided as an array query string parameter. Possible filterable metrics are the same as the set of metric ids, with the exceptions of `exits_before_video_start`, `unique_viewers`, `video_startup_failure_percentage`, and `views`. Example: * `metric_filters[]=aggregate_startup_time>=1000` | [optional] |
limit | int | Number of items to include in the response | [optional] [default to 25] |
page | int | Offset by this many pages, of the size of `limit` | [optional] [default to 1] |
order_by | string | Value to order the results by | [optional] |
order_direction | string | Sort order. | [optional] |
timeframe | string[] | Timeframe window to limit results by. Must be provided as an array query string parameter (e.g. timeframe[]=). Accepted formats are... * array of epoch timestamps e.g. `timeframe[]=1498867200&timeframe[]=1498953600` * duration string e.g. `timeframe[]=24:hours or timeframe[]=7:days` | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept:
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listInsights($metric_id, $measurement, $order_direction, $timeframe, $filters, $metric_filters): \MuxPhp\Models\ListInsightsResponse
List Insights
Returns a list of insights for a metric. These are the worst performing values across all breakdowns sorted by how much they negatively impact a specific metric.
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: accessToken
$config = MuxPhp\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()
$apiInstance = new MuxPhp\Api\MetricsApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$metric_id = video_startup_time; // string | ID of the Metric
$measurement = 'measurement_example'; // string | Measurement for the provided metric. If omitted, the default for the metric will be used.
$order_direction = 'order_direction_example'; // string | Sort order.
$timeframe = array('timeframe_example'); // string[] | Timeframe window to limit results by. Must be provided as an array query string parameter (e.g. timeframe[]=). Accepted formats are... * array of epoch timestamps e.g. `timeframe[]=1498867200&timeframe[]=1498953600` * duration string e.g. `timeframe[]=24:hours or timeframe[]=7:days`
$filters = array('filters_example'); // string[] | Limit the results to rows that match conditions from provided key:value pairs. Must be provided as an array query string parameter. To exclude rows that match a certain condition, prepend a `!` character to the dimension. Possible filter names are the same as returned by the List Filters endpoint. Example: * `filters[]=operating_system:windows&filters[]=!country:US`
$metric_filters = array('metric_filters_example'); // string[] | Limit the results to rows that match inequality conditions from provided metric comparison clauses. Must be provided as an array query string parameter. Possible filterable metrics are the same as the set of metric ids, with the exceptions of `exits_before_video_start`, `unique_viewers`, `video_startup_failure_percentage`, and `views`. Example: * `metric_filters[]=aggregate_startup_time>=1000`
try {
$result = $apiInstance->listInsights($metric_id, $measurement, $order_direction, $timeframe, $filters, $metric_filters);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling MetricsApi->listInsights: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
metric_id | string | ID of the Metric | |
measurement | string | Measurement for the provided metric. If omitted, the default for the metric will be used. | [optional] |
order_direction | string | Sort order. | [optional] |
timeframe | string[] | Timeframe window to limit results by. Must be provided as an array query string parameter (e.g. timeframe[]=). Accepted formats are... * array of epoch timestamps e.g. `timeframe[]=1498867200&timeframe[]=1498953600` * duration string e.g. `timeframe[]=24:hours or timeframe[]=7:days` | [optional] |
filters | string[] | Limit the results to rows that match conditions from provided key:value pairs. Must be provided as an array query string parameter. To exclude rows that match a certain condition, prepend a `!` character to the dimension. Possible filter names are the same as returned by the List Filters endpoint. Example: * `filters[]=operating_system:windows&filters[]=!country:US` | [optional] |
metric_filters | string[] | Limit the results to rows that match inequality conditions from provided metric comparison clauses. Must be provided as an array query string parameter. Possible filterable metrics are the same as the set of metric ids, with the exceptions of `exits_before_video_start`, `unique_viewers`, `video_startup_failure_percentage`, and `views`. Example: * `metric_filters[]=aggregate_startup_time>=1000` | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept:
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