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Classroom Submission project

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My cs50x final project is a web application that allow the user to easily get the submission data from a classroom course activity that he/she teaches or administers and export this data to a csv file or to google sheets

Let's start talking about the file

the is the file that should be executed to start the application it contains the configuration and all the routes of the flask application, all the functions in this file are decorated with @app.route().

  • index() this function just redirect the user to the /select route

  • select() this function render the select.html and pass to it all user's courses if the user has already login

  • request_api() this function return the requested data to the client using AJAX, this function checks if it was given enough data to request the classroom API for the topic activities and return it if it wasn't it will request the classroom API for the course topics

  • submission_data() this function render submission_data.html and pass to it the students submission state of the selected activity after requesting the classroom API

  • export_google_sheets() this function create a new spread sheet in google sheets, append the students submission state data to it and return the url for the recently created spread sheet if the user has already granted us permission to do so if the user didn't than we will ask him/her for permission

  • google_sheets_oauth2callback() this function is executed after the user grant us permission to create and modify his/her spread sheets, this function will create the google sheets credentials for the user, store it in credentials.db and redirect the user to /select

  • login() this function create an authorization url and redirect the user to this url so that he/she can grant us permission to see his/her classroom data

  • classroom_oauth2callback() this function is executed after the user grant us permission to see his/her classroom data, this function will create the classroom credentials for the user, store it in credentials.db and redirect the user to /select

  • logout() this function revoke the user's classroom credentials, revoke the user's google sheets credentials, delete the user id from the session storage and delete the credentials from credentials.db

Helpers folder

helpers folders contains two files: and this files contain helper functions to interact with the database and manage the credentials respectively


    • get_credentials() this function takes one argument servise that is a string and should be "classroom" or "google_sheets", this function is responsible for getting the user credentials to the servise if it's stored in credentials.db

    • store_credentials() this function is responsible for storing the user servise credentials in credentials.db, it takes two arguments servise that is a string it should be "classroom" or "google_sheets" and credentials that is a google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials object to be store in credentials.db

    • remove_credentials() this function is responsible for removing the user servise credentials from credentials.db it takes one arguments servise that is a string it should be "classroom" or "google_sheets"


    • create_credentials create the servise credentials for the user

    • create_authorization_url() create an authorization url that the user should be redirected to grant us authorization according to the servise

Connections folder

connections folder contains two files: and this files contain classes to create connections between this web application and google APIs

  • classroom_connection.classroom_connection() methods

    • support context manager by implementing __enter__() and __exit__()

    • get_user_id() return the id of the user

    • get_courses() return a dictionary with the courses and the corresponding id

    • get_course_activities() return a dictionary with the course activities and the corresponding id

    • get_course_topics() return a dictionary with the topics of the course and the corresponding id

    • get_activities_from_topic() return a dictionary with the course activities and the corresponding id that belong to the specified topic

    • get_students() return a dictionary with the stundents names and the corresponding id

    • submission_data() return a dictionary with the stundents names as keys and 'Missing'/'Done' as values acording to the submission state

  • google_sheets_connection.google_sheets_connection() methods

    • support context manager by implementing __enter__() and __exit__()

    • create_spread_sheet() create a spread sheet and return it's id

    • append() append data to the given spread sheet

Templates folder

the templates folder contains three templates layout.html, select.html and submission_data.html

  • layout.html contains the basic layout of the application all the order templates extends from this

  • select.html if the user is logged allow the he/she to select course, topic and activity from where the students subimssion data should come if the user isn't logged than allow him/her to do so

  • submission_data.html display the students submission state data and allow the user to export that data to google sheets or to a csv file


  • classroom credentials table

      CREATE TABLE classroom_credentials(
          user_id TEXT,
          token TEXT,
          token_uri TEXT,
          client_id TEXT,
          refresh_token TEXT,
          client_secret TEXT,
          scopes TEXT
      CREATE INDEX user_index_classroom ON classroom_credentials (user_id);
  • google sheets credentials table

      CREATE TABLE google_sheets_credentials(
          user_id TEXT,
          token TEXT,
          token_uri TEXT,
          client_id TEXT,
          refresh_token TEXT,
          client_secret TEXT,
          scopes TEXT
      CREATE INDEX user_index_google_sheets ON google_sheets_credentials (user_id);


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