A secure app for sharing plays with your team.
- Ruby on Rails 4 to build the backend
- PostgreSQL for the database
- JQuery for some AJAX functionality
- AngularJS to push some server-side view logic to the client
- Bourbon to add mixins to SASS
- Delayed Jobs for backround Email sending
- RSpec, Capybara, and Factory Girl for testing
$ git clone https://github.com/CharlesMassry/Playbookr.git
$ rake db:create
$ rake db:migrate
You need to set Stripe API keys for the sign up process to work. Follow the .env.sample
to get your API keys. You can then run:
$ rails server
You also need to set up the Delayed Jobs backround worker to send out the Player Invitation Emails. For that, in a separate window run:
$ rake jobs:work