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yyplanton edited this page Jul 9, 2020 · 24 revisions

Metric collection "El Niño - Southern Oscillation (ENSO) performance in historical simulations"


This metric collection evaluates climate models for both the background climatology (time mean and seasonal cycle) and ENSO properties.

Common properties

Pre-processing of data:

  • detrending: linear
  • frequency: monthly
  • minimum length of simulation: 100 years

Metrics list

Time-mean climate (RMSE):

  • Meridional mean eastern Tropical Pacific precipitation (PR) (double_ITCZ_bias)
  • Zonal mean equatorial Pacific precipitation (PR) (eq_PR_bias)
  • Zonal mean equatorial Pacific sea surface temperature (SST) (eq_SST_bias)
  • Zonal mean equatorial Pacific zonal wind stress (Taux) (eq_Taux_bias)

Seasonal cycle amplitude (RMSE):

  • Meridional seasonal cycle's amplitude of precipitation (PR) in the eastern Tropical Pacific (double_ITCZ_sea_cycle)
  • Zonal seasonal cycle's amplitude of precipitation (PR) in the equatorial Pacific (eq_PR_sea_cycle)
  • Zonal seasonal cycle's amplitude of sea surface temperature (SST) in the equatorial Pacific (eq_SST_sea_cycle)
  • Zonal seasonal cycle's amplitude of zonal wind stress (Taux) in the equatorial Pacific (eq_Taux_sea_cycle)

ENSO pattern (RMSE):

ENSO lifecycle (RMSE):

ENSO properties (absolute value of the relative difference):

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