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Manual Testing Procedure

James Crean edited this page Jul 31, 2018 · 3 revisions

This documentation is deprecated and no longer maintained. Check out the new and improved documentation here.

Until selenium testing is up and working, the following will serve to catch application errors that unit testing misses.

(All data can be found in the sample data from vcs's download_sample_data function or by running vcs_download_sample_data from the command line)

  • Make a default plot:

    1. Load variable clt from with default dimensions.
    2. Drag and drop the variable into the single cell available.
    3. Confirm that a plot renders with the correct defaults. (Graphics method, template, colormap, variable)
  • Make a second plot:

    1. Load the orog variable from geo.1deg.ctl with the latitude dimension set to about half
    2. Increase the spreadsheet column count to 2. Verify that the first plot resizes itself now
    3. Click on the new empty cell to select it.
    4. Use the Plot Inspector to add orog as the first variable.
    5. Confirm that the second plot rendered correctly. Because of the latitude setting, the plot should only show the top/bottom half of the world map
  • Make a third plot:

    1. Increase the number of rows to 2. There should be 4 cells, two with plots in them
    2. Inside the Graphics Method list, open Boxfill and drag the Polar Graphics Method into one of the new cells.
    3. Click the cell with the new graphics method. Verify that the graphics method changed in both the cell display and Plot Inspector
    4. Inside the Plot Inspector, click the Template dropdown and select quick
    5. Add the clt variable to this cell by dragging and dropping it. Verify that the correct polar plot renders
    6. With the same cell selected, change the variable to orog
    7. Confirm that the cell re-rendered with the new variable, and that the axis labels are not duplicated/overlapping.
  • Make a fourth plot:

    1. Load u and v from
    2. Click the last empty cell to select it.
    3. In the plot inspector, select the vector graphics method, then select u and v as the variables.
    4. Confirm that the vector plot rendered normally.