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Sabermea committed Aug 21, 2020
0 parents commit fa52ecb
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Showing 28 changed files with 1,361 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .gitattributes
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*.csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions Examples/small1/samll1_ca.csv
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions Examples/small1/small1_pos.csv
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions Examples/small2/small2_ca.csv
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions Examples/small2/small2_pos.csv
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Binary file added FARCI User Manual.pdf
Binary file not shown.
38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions Main.m
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% This script takes calcium imaging data as input and returns the underlying neuronal connectome 04/06/2020

warning ('off','all'); clear; clc; close all;
path = genpath('subfunctions'); addpath(path); clear path;

INPUTS.ops = sp_deconv_inputs(); % Taking imaging rate and fluorescence decay rate as inputs

INPUTS.calcium = import_data(); % NN by NT (NN: number of neurons, NT: number of time frames)

%% Spike Deconvolution
RESULTS.spikes_raw = sp_deconv(INPUTS.ops,INPUTS.calcium); % Non-negative deconvolution using Suite2P and OASIS packages

%% Spike Denoising
RESULTS.spikes_denoised = sp_denoise(RESULTS.spikes_raw); % Removing the noise present in deconvolved spikes using an optimal threshold

%% Spike Smoothing
RESULTS.spikes_smooth = sp_smooth(RESULTS.spikes_denoised); % Smoothing the spikes to improve the accuracy of connectome inference

%% Partial Correlation
RESULTS.partial_correlation = partial_corr(RESULTS.spikes_smooth); % Computing partial correlation using matrix inversion

%% Network
[,RESULTS.edges] = connectome_inf(RESULTS.partial_correlation); % Connectome Inference based on partial correlation coeff.

%% Circular Graph
circular_graph = circ_graph(; % Circular graph of the inferred neuronal connectome

%% Graph with positions
pos_graph = graph_w_positions(; % inferred neuronal connectome based on actual spatial arrangement of neurons
%(if distance/position information is available)

%% Network Dynamics
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@

![alt text](

FARCI provides an efficient implementation of neuronal connectome inference from Calcium imaging neuronal activity data. FARCI outputs a partial correlation matrix, which is depicted as a circular graph, representing the neuronal connectome. When neuronal spatial information is available, the neuronal connectome also accounts for the position of neurons.
179 changes: 179 additions & 0 deletions docs/example1.html

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Binary file added docs/logo.jpg
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added livescripts/example1.mlx
Binary file not shown.
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions subfunctions/circ_graph.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
function circular_graph = circ_graph(network)

if ~iscell(network)
myColorMap = lines(length(network));
circular_graph = circularGraph(network,'Colormap',myColorMap);

elseif iscell(network)

for i = 1:length(network)
myColorMap = lines(length(network{1,i}));
circular_graph = circularGraph(network{1,i},'Colormap',myColorMap);
title(['Circular Graph (Session ' num2str(i) ')']);
203 changes: 203 additions & 0 deletions subfunctions/circularGraph.m
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classdef circularGraph < handle
% CIRCULARGRAPH Plot an interactive circular graph to illustrate connections in a network.
%% Syntax
% circularGraph(X)
% circularGraph(X,'PropertyName',propertyvalue,...)
% h = circularGraph(...)
%% Description
% A 'circular graph' is a visualization of a network of nodes and their
% connections. The nodes are laid out along a circle, and the connections
% are drawn within the circle. Click on a node to make the connections that
% emanate from it more visible or less visible. Click on the 'Show All'
% button to make all nodes and their connections visible. Click on the
% 'Hide All' button to make all nodes and their connections less visible.
% Required input arguments.
% X : A symmetric matrix of numeric or logical values.
% Optional properties.
% Colormap : A N by 3 matrix of [r g b] triples, where N is the
% length(adjacenyMatrix).
% Label : A cell array of N strings.
% Copyright 2016 The MathWorks, Inc.
Node = node(0,0); % Array of nodes
ColorMap; % Colormap
Label; % Cell array of strings
ShowButton; % Turn all nodes on
HideButton; % Turn all nodes off

function this = circularGraph(adjacencyMatrix,varargin)
% Constructor
p = inputParser;

defaultColorMap = parula(length(adjacencyMatrix));
defaultLabel = cell(length(adjacencyMatrix));
for i = 1:length(defaultLabel)
defaultLabel{i} = num2str(i);

addRequired(p,'adjacencyMatrix',@(x)(isnumeric(x) || islogical(x)));
addParameter(p,'ColorMap',defaultColorMap,@(colormap)length(colormap) == length(adjacencyMatrix));
addParameter(p,'Label' ,defaultLabel ,@iscell);

this.ColorMap = p.Results.ColorMap;
this.Label = p.Results.Label;

this.ShowButton = uicontrol(...
'Position',[0 40 80 40],...
'String','Show All',...

this.HideButton = uicontrol(...
'Position',[0 0 80 40],...
'String','Hide All',...

fig = gcf;

% Draw the nodes
t = linspace(-pi,pi,length(adjacencyMatrix) + 1).'; % theta for each node
extent = zeros(length(adjacencyMatrix),1);
for i = 1:length(adjacencyMatrix)
this.Node(i) = node(cos(t(i)),sin(t(i)));
this.Node(i).Color = this.ColorMap(i,:);
this.Node(i).Label = this.Label{i};

% Find non-zero values of s and their indices
[row,col,v] = find(adjacencyMatrix);

% Calculate line widths based on values of s (stored in v).
minLineWidth = 0.5;
lineWidthCoef = 5;
lineWidth = v./max(v);
if sum(lineWidth) == numel(lineWidth) % all lines are the same width.
lineWidth = repmat(minLineWidth,numel(lineWidth),1);
else % lines of variable width.
lineWidth = lineWidthCoef*lineWidth + minLineWidth;

% Draw connections on the Poincare hyperbolic disk.
% Equation of the circles on the disk:
% x^2 + y^2
% + 2*(u(2)-v(2))/(u(1)*v(2)-u(2)*v(1))*x
% - 2*(u(1)-v(1))/(u(1)*v(2)-u(2)*v(1))*y + 1 = 0,
% where u and v are points on the boundary.
% Standard form of equation of a circle
% (x - x0)^2 + (y - y0)^2 = r^2
% Therefore we can identify
% x0 = -(u(2)-v(2))/(u(1)*v(2)-u(2)*v(1));
% y0 = (u(1)-v(1))/(u(1)*v(2)-u(2)*v(1));
% r^2 = x0^2 + y0^2 - 1

for i = 1:length(v)
if row(i) ~= col(i)
if abs(row(i) - col(i)) - length(adjacencyMatrix)/2 == 0
% points are diametric, so draw a straight line
u = [cos(t(row(i)));sin(t(row(i)))];
v = [cos(t(col(i)));sin(t(col(i)))];
this.Node(row(i)).Connection(end+1) = line(...
'LineWidth', lineWidth(i),...
'Color', this.ColorMap(row(i),:),...
else % points are not diametric, so draw an arc
u = [cos(t(row(i)));sin(t(row(i)))];
v = [cos(t(col(i)));sin(t(col(i)))];
x0 = -(u(2)-v(2))/(u(1)*v(2)-u(2)*v(1));
y0 = (u(1)-v(1))/(u(1)*v(2)-u(2)*v(1));
r = sqrt(x0^2 + y0^2 - 1);
thetaLim(1) = atan2(u(2)-y0,u(1)-x0);
thetaLim(2) = atan2(v(2)-y0,v(1)-x0);

% if u(1) >= 0 && v(1) >= 0
% % ensure the arc is within the unit disk
% theta = [linspace(max(thetaLim),pi,50),...
% linspace(-pi,min(thetaLim),50)].';
% else
% theta = linspace(thetaLim(1),thetaLim(2)).';
% end

if sortedthetaLim(2)-sortedthetaLim(1)>pi
theta = linspace(thetaLim(1),thetaLim(2)).';

this.Node(row(i)).Connection(end+1) = line(...
'LineWidth', lineWidth(i),...
'Color', this.ColorMap(row(i),:),...

axis image;
ax = gca;
for i = 1:length(adjacencyMatrix)
extent(i) = this.Node(i).Extent;
extent = max(extent(:));
ax.XLim = ax.XLim + extent*[-1 1];
fudgeFactor = 1.75; % Not sure why this is necessary. Eyeballed it.
ax.YLim = ax.YLim + fudgeFactor*extent*[-1 1];
ax.Visible = 'off';
ax.SortMethod = 'depth';

fig = gcf;
fig.Color = [1 1 1];


methods (Static = true)
function showNodes(this,~)
% Callback for 'Show All' button
n = this.UserData.Node;
for i = 1:length(n)
n(i).Visible = true;

function hideNodes(this,~)
% Callback for 'Hide All' button
n = this.UserData.Node;
for i = 1:length(n)
n(i).Visible = false;

function CloseRequestFcn(this,~)
% Callback for figure CloseRequestFcn
c = this.UserData;
for i = 1:length(c.Node)


34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions subfunctions/connectome_inf.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
function [net,edges] = connectome_inf(p)

disp(['To set a threshold, please enter a value for ' (char(945)) ': '])
alpha = input([ '(Note that, the threshold is defined as: Threshold = ' (char(956)) ' + ' (char(945)) ' * ' (char(963)) '): ' ]);

if ~iscell(p)
net = p;
net = triu(net,1);
idx = net ~= 0;
th = mean(net(idx)) + alpha*std(net(idx));
net(net<th) = 0;
[row,col,weights] = find(net);
edges = [row,col,weights];
net = net+net';

imagesc(net); colormap('hot'); colorbar; xlabel('Neurons'); ylabel('Neurons'); title('Heatmap of Neuronal Connectome');

elseif iscell(p)

for i = 1:length(p)
x = p{1,i};
x = triu(x,1);
idx = x ~= 0;
th = mean(x(idx)) + alpha*std(x(idx));
x(x<th) = 0;
[row,col,weights] = find(x);
edges = [row,col,weights];
net{1,i} = x+x';

imagesc(net{1,i}); colormap('hot'); colorbar; xlabel('Neurons'); ylabel('Neurons'); title(['Heatmap of Neuronal Connectome (Session ' num2str(i) ')']);

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