A collection of STL files that can be used to print microscopy parts.
All models were sliced using the default settings in Cura & printed on an Ultimaker S3 using either Tough PLA or TPU95A filament.
CD7 bottle seal: Download
Designed to fit the humidifier bottle on a Zeiss Celldiscoverer 7. This was required after noticing condensation was leaking from where the bottle and lid made contact after 2 years of use. This polyurathane seal prevents the leak.
It was printed at 0.1mm resolution with Ultimaker TPU 95A filament and adhesion. The adhesion brim was removed after printing.
The seal installed in the bottle lid.
AxioObserverZ1 C02 cover spacer: Download
Designed to adapt the use of a Pecon XXX C02 cover to cover multiwell plates. This was required after noticing condensation was leaking from where the bottle and lid made came in contact after 2 years of use. This polyurathane seal prevents the leak.
It was printed at draft resolution with Ultimaker Tough PLA filament and adhesion. The adhesion brim was kept after printing as it allows small magnets to be used to hold the print in place on the microsope stage.