A Haxe utility that watches for file system changes, and runs a command after each change.
Use the haxelib install command to download Hunter.
haxelib install hunter
Requires Haxe 4.2 or newer.
Use the haxelib run command to launch Hunter. Pass in the command to run, followed by directory paths to watch, and any desired options. If no directories are specified, the current working directory will be used.
haxelib run hunter <command> [...directories] [OPTIONS]
The following options can be added to the haxelib run hunter command to customize its behavior.
--interval seconds
specify the polling, in seconds (default: 0.2)
--wait seconds
specify an additional delay after running the command, in seconds (default: 0.0)
specify if changes to dot files are ignored (default: false)
print usage instructions
haxelib run hunter "haxe compile.hxml" src --interval 0.5 --wait 1.0 --ignoreDotFiles