This command line mapping tool provides functionality to download and display OSM data via Geopandas Pyplot (static) or Bokeh (interactive). Running this tool thus yields a map of the given search area and specified OSM tag filters. The result will pop up (plotly) or will be displayed in the standard browser of your system. It can be saved automatically or via the GUI.
Example Plots with gpd and bokeh and the given input example parameters.
- installed version of Python 3.9
- fork and clone this repository
- create new environment via pip or conda (recommended)
- activate environment and use given requirements.txt/environment.yml files to install dependencies respectively.
To run the program from the command line:
- activate the corresponding virtual environment
- change directory to .\src\ and execute
pip install --editable .
now mapping_tool is ready to be used as command in the command line when you switch back to mapping_tool roots directory.
This tool requires some input data which has to be put in the Input folder with the given names and structure as in the example files. Example data and file structure is given. Modify content but not file names or structure if different input is wanted. It is not possible to add more paramters through the files then the ones listed.
- input_download.json: Specify name, filter, time and name of the boundary polygon as input for each layer
- input_polygon.geojson: Polygon of the area of interest.
- input_bokeh.json: Specify parameters for plotting with bokeh. Name and color. Name has to be the name of the input file (the same as in the download parameters)
- input_gpd.json: Specify parameters for plotting with Pyplot. Name and color. Name has to be the name of the input file (the same as in the download parameters)
The folder to execute this programm has to be the root folder of the repository (mappint_tool)! Executing commands without specifying any parameters will use default parameters only.
$ mapping_tool
Usage: mapping_tool [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Activate verbose mode.
-v, --verbose Will print verbose messages.
--help Show this message and exit.
run Execute command to download and plot.
run-download Executes command to download and save OSM layer.
run-plotting Execute command to plot the given layer based on input...
$ mapping_tool run --help
Usage: mapping_tool run [OPTIONS]
Execute command to download and plot.
-d, --driver TEXT Specify the type in which the OSM layers
should be saved. gpkg or Default: GeoJSON
-ce, --crs_epsg INTEGER Specify the CRS EPSG that the layer should
be converted to. GPD requires the default:
-pp, --plot_package TEXT Specify which plotting package should be
used: gpd, bokeh. Default: gpd
-t, --title TEXT Specify the title of the plot. Default: Map
with OSM layer
-sp, --save_plot BOOLEAN Specify whether the plot should be saved or
-o, --overwrite BOOLEAN Specify whether existing layers should be
overwritten by downloaded ones or not.
Default: False
-rb, --random_baselayer BOOLEAN
If True, creates four bokeh plots with the
given layers and randomly chosen basemaps.
--help Show this message and exit.
$ mapping_tool run-download --help
Usage: mapping_tool run-download [OPTIONS]
Executes command to download and save OSM layer.
-d, --driver TEXT Specify the type in which the OSM layers should be
saved. gpkg or Default: GeoJSON
-o, --overwrite BOOLEAN Specify whether existing layers should be
overwritten by downloaded ones or not. Default:
--help Show this message and exit.
§ mapping_tool run-plotting --help
Usage: mapping_tool run-plotting [OPTIONS]
Execute command to plot the given layer based on input files.
-pp, --plot_package TEXT Specify which plotting package should be
used: gpd, bokeh. Default: gpd
-d, --driver TEXT Specify the type in which the OSM layers
should be saved. gpkg or Default: GeoJSON
-ce, --crs_epsg INTEGER Specify the CRS EPSG that the layer should
be converted to. GPD requires the default:
-t, --title TEXT Specify the title of the plot. Default: Map
with OSM layer
-sp, --save_plot BOOLEAN Specify whether the plot should be saved or
-basemap, -b TEXT See https://leaflet-
providers/preview/index.html for all layer
options. or here: https://contex
dive.html for a list and more
specifications. Default:
'Stamen.TonerLite' provider
selection: 'OpenStreetMap.Mapnik', 'OpenTopo
'CartoDB.Positron', 'CartoDB.Voyager'
-rb, --random_baselayer BOOLEAN
If True, creates four bokeh plots with the
given layers and randomly chosen basemaps.
--help Show this message and exit.
mapping_tool run-plotting --plotting_package bokeh --save_plot True --basemap Stamen.Watercolor --title waterColorHeidelberg
mapping_tool run-plot --plot_package gpd --save_plot True --basemap Stamen.TonerLite --title StamenTonerLiteHeidelberg
Both these commands will execute plotting and save a PNG to the ./data/output folder. The bokeh example will also save an interactive .html with the same name to the same location.