This library provides an lightweight, all-in-one package for making GUIs and 2D visualizations in C++. It bundles GLFW and glad for creating Windows and OpenGL contexts, Dear ImGui with several custom extension classes and methods for all your GUI needs, NanoVG and NanoSVG for drawing vector graphics, NFD for native file/folder dialogs, and a few custom utility classes such as Coroutines and Events to spice things up.
The library is small and intended to be used with CMake's FetchContent
FetchContent_Declare(mahi-gui GIT_REPOSITORY
add_executable(my_app "my_app.cpp")
target_link_libraries(my_app mahi::gui)
That's it! You should also be able to install or use the library as a git-submodule + CMake subdirectory if you prefer.
// my_app.cpp
#include <Mahi/Gui.hpp>
#include <Mahi/Util.hpp>
using namespace mahi::gui;
using namespace mahi::util;
// Inherit from Application
class MyApp : public Application {
// 640x480 px window
MyApp() : Application(640,480,"My App") { }
// Override update (called once per frame)
void update() override {
// App logic and/or ImGui code goes here
if (ImGui::Button("Press Me!"))
print("Hello, World!");
int main() {
MyApp app;;
return 0;
Run and consult the examples for other features. Pay particular attention to ex_imgui_demo.cpp which shows all of the functionality of the ImGui library. It calls the ImGui::ShowDemoWindow()
function from imgui_demo.cpp, which itself is the absolute best place for ImGui examples. For a real-world example, see Syntacts' GUI, which is built entirely using mahi gui.
- C++17 compiler (MSVC or Clang)
On Windows, we recommend using to MSVC 2019:
> cd mahi-gui
> mkdir build
> cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64
> cmake --build . --config Release
If you're on a relatively new version of macOS, you should be able to use the defeault Apple Clang compiler:
> cd mahi-gui
> mkdir build && cd build
> cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Release"
> cmake --build .
If your Apple Clang compiler is too old, you can use LLVM Clang
to build mahi-gui
. For example, using Clang 9.0.0 downloaded from here:
> cd mahi-gui
> mkdir build && cd build
> cmake .. -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER="/path/to/clang/bin/clang" -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER="/path/to/clang/bin/clang++" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Release"
> cmake --build .