A beautiful responsive landing page built with html and scss
FEDP - Front-End Design Practise
Coded By BlessTheBoy Designed By FrontEndMentor
Huddle Landing Page is a simple beautifully designed responsive webpage that's a part of FrontEndMentor's list of practise projects for Front-End Developers. It's a simple responsive landing page with beautiful background. Uses the power of FlexBox and Css Backgroud.
If you like Huddle Landing Page or any of my projects, please consider connecting with me for hiring, collaboration, sponsorships (and any other enquiry!) ❤
This was made entirely from scratch as a solution to the practise challenges provided by FrontEndMentor. I'd like to give special thanks to FrontEndMentor for their amazing contents and materials. They make Front-End Development much more intresting and easier to learn.
Reach out to me on of the following places!
- Twitter @BlessTheBoy_
- LinkedIn @Bakare Faruq
- Instagram @bless.the.boy
- Whatsapp at +234-817-4538-295
- Copyright 2020 © BlessTheBoy.