Releases: Blair2004/NexoPOS
NexoPOS 4.8.6
We're releasing one of the last version of the branch v4.8.x. Indeed, we're about to move forward to the next branch v4.9.x that will come with significant changes, especially on the way assets are built. Additionally, we've scheduled the Raw Material for that branch as well.
Meanwhile let's see the changes about this update.
- Added: Adds keyboard support to payment popup
- Fixed: deleting own account from Crud List
- Added: new hooks to inject content on top and bottom of a title
- Added: new test for checking users
- Fixed: loading all customers while opening the customers popup
- Fixed: postcss config to erase unlisted files
- Added: new cash register action
- Fix: #1100 double records for sales
- Updated: refactoring
- Deleted: deprecated link
- Fixed: improve keyboard support on Payment Popup.
- Added: dependency protection on build deletion (customers).
- Added: default type for unsupported product type.
- Added: adjust stock for order product if a reference exists.
Additional Changes
- Bump laravel/framework from 9.33.0 to 9.35.1 by @dependabot in #1102
- Bump pusher/pusher-php-server from 7.0.2 to 7.2.0 by @dependabot in #1093
- Bump spatie/laravel-ignition from 1.5.0 to 1.5.1 by @dependabot in #1096
- Bump @types/node from 18.7.14 to 18.8.4 by @dependabot in #1101
- Adds keyboard support to payment popup by @yasirmturk in #1087
- Bump spatie/laravel-ignition from 1.5.1 to 1.5.2 by @dependabot in #1107
- Bump @dicebear/avatars-avataaars-sprites from 4.10.3 to 4.10.5 by @dependabot in #1106
- Bump symfony/http-client from 6.1.5 to 6.1.6 by @dependabot in #1105
- Bump predis/predis from 2.0.2 to 2.0.3 by @dependabot in #1103
- Bump laravel/telescope from 4.9.3 to 4.9.4 by @dependabot in #1097
- Bump nunomaduro/collision from 6.3.0 to 6.3.1 by @dependabot in #1086
- Bump phpoffice/phpspreadsheet from 1.24.1 to 1.25.2 by @dependabot in #1081
- Bump typescript from 4.7.4 to 4.8.4 by @dependabot in #1084
- Bump doctrine/dbal from 3.4.4 to 3.4.5 by @dependabot in #1080
- Bump sass from 1.54.2 to 1.55.0 by @dependabot in #1075
- Bump laravel/pint from 1.1.3 to 1.2.0 by @dependabot in #1062
- Bump mockery/mockery from 1.5.0 to 1.5.1 by @dependabot in #1056
- Bump cssnano from 5.1.12 to 5.1.13 by @dependabot in #1052
- Bump postcss-simple-vars from 6.0.3 to 7.0.0 by @dependabot in #1040
- Bump postcss-import from 14.1.0 to 15.0.0 by @dependabot in #1036
- Bump acorn from 8.7.1 to 8.8.0 by @dependabot in #971
- Bump pusher-js from 7.3.0 to 7.4.0 by @dependabot in #1004
- V4.8.x by @Blair2004 in #1108
- Bump laravel-echo from 1.13.1 to 1.14.0 by @dependabot in #1035
Full Changelog: v4.8.5...v4.8.6
NexoPOS 4.8.5
We're releasing a new update of NexoPOS that include breaking changes. In short, somes columns were renamed and that make this update incompatible with modules that used old column name (Gastro 4.8.9 and below). If you're using a premium module, you're invited to way the update of each module before updating NexoPOS.
This update also brings
- Fixed: #1078 Restrict unit to be deleted when assigned to a product
- Added: implemeting new Math calculator
- Added: new test case
- Updated: CurrencyService class
- Changed: order fields (gross to without_tax & net to with_tax)
- Fixed: design issue on coupon + other improvements
- Added: coupon value on cart
- Added: compute product taxes command
- Added: product taxes on POS
- Added: new test cases
- Removed: deprecated code
- Refactored: taxes on products and order products
- Fixed: #1071 order not updated after a refund
- Fixed: design issues
- Fixed: quick product validation failing
- Fix: #1070 Customers Not selected by default
- Updated: module listing command
- Added: automatic page output action
- Added: global nsSelectPopup & nsPOSLoadingPopup
- Added: silent and normal printing
- Added: name on web routes
- Fixed: wrong method called on ns-table-rows.ts
- Fixed: deprecated issue with str_replace
- Fixed: option typo "only_paid_ordes" => "only_paid_orders"
- Fixed: design issue with notices
- Fixed: list background color on hover
- Added: new test for timzones
- Deleted: incompatible timezone
- Added: float casting
- Added: option to mark a procurement as paid
- Added: new test case for procurements
What's Changed
- Fixes Postgres db type by @yasirmturk in #1067
- Enables keyboard enter on login by @yasirmturk in #1073
- V4.8.x by @Blair2004 in #1090
New Contributors
- @yasirmturk made their first contribution in #1067
Full Changelog: v4.8.4...v4.8.5
NexoPOS 4.8.4
Today we're releasing NexoPOS v4.8.4 that mostly comes with improvements on the compatibility with the WooCommerce extension. We have been reported some operation that aren't working and it was the priority of this release. We've also applied some fix that were reported on github (remember, the best place to report a bug or submit a suggestions is on github).
Let's now breakdown the changes.
- Updated: customer seeding.
- Updated: delete previous module before uploading the new one
- Added: a way to disable all modules.
- Added: code parser while activating module
- Updated: compatibility with RxJs.
- Updated: improving rebanding
- Update: restrict core roles modification
- updated: translation
- feature: new events to catch product inventory update
- Fixed: fields hidden while choosing regular product (quick product)
- Fixed: Products set as hidden shouldn't be visible on POS [fix]
- Fixed: instalments not visible for unpaid orders
- fix #1027: translation on the POS cart
- fix: unable to load style on receipts
NexoPOS 4.8.3
This update of NexoPOS has breaking changes that might not affect your experience. In short, we've improved the compatibility with a multi-tenancy installation. Previously every now async feature added to the core was rewritten on the multistore. On a long run it wasn't appropriate.
Additionnaly, we've been working on the WooCommerce extension to improve the compatibility. At the moment, that extension is not fully compatible with Gastro, which requires futher implementation (a plugin on WooCommerce website). We're quite satisfied with the result, but you'll let us know your thoughts.
Other Changes
- Fixed: ensure customer with no email can be created
- Added: new strategy for multi-tenancy
- Added: ensures jobs are multistore compatible
- Updating Syntax for PHP 8.1
- Fixed: category total items count being refreshed
- WIP: ensure better compatiblity with multistore
- Fixed: entry property existense
- Fixed: notification description lenght
- Fixed: precheck customer while updating
- Added: pint project
- Added: support for WooCommerce
- Fixed: Customer Popup Issue [fix]
- Fixed: Add Billing Details By Default
NexoPOS 4.8.2
We're releasing NexoPOS 4.8.2 that bring an important fix on the options.
We lately realized that some options were saved twice ont he database which shouldn't be the case. That's the reason why we've added a new test for checking that.
You should update as soon as possible as you might see that your changes on settings aren't taken into consideration. After your update, make sure to run the following command to purge duplicated options. Note that some options might be deleted so, a backup remain a safe operation.
php artisan ns:doctor --fix-duplicate-options
PHP Compatibility
Because we're strictly updating our Laravel version to the latest, we're sorry to say that from now, from NexoPOS 4.8.1, php 8.1 is the required version (and no more PHP 8.0). Make sure to update your PHP version before installing that update.
Other Changes
Note that if you missed previous updates changelogs, you can check them here.
NexoPOS 4.8.1
Today we're releasing a new update that mostly comes with bug fixed that were reported on NexoPOS 4.8.0. It's also time to announce that we're working yet on NexoPOS 4.9.x that were we'll switch from Vue2 to Vue3 and use Vite instead of Laravel Mix (that significantly improve loading speed).
- Fixed: Removing unecessary layaway restriction
- Added: new event & Listeners
- Fixed: create instalment entry when it's necessary
- Fixed: reduce database queries on user model
- Fixed: customer account history not filtered.
- Fixed: increasing cash register ranges
- Fixed: ensure order purchase price is updated
- Added: new doctor method to fix orders products
- Added: command generator for modules
- Moving: migration files
- Fixed: remove forced option on artisan
- Fixed: issue with products images
- Fixed: increased range for users
- Added: new fields for order that support instalments
- Fixed: get last purchase price for defined products
- Added: clearning code
- Fixed: bug while selling order (purchase_amount)
- Fixed: disabling casting for procurement
- Fixed: testing issues
- fix #944 barcode reading issues
- Fixed: 404 error while trying to create provider product #941
- Added: catch exception from custom actions.
In case you missed the major addition of the branch v4.8.x feel free to read the changelog here
NexoPOS 4.8.0
We're excited to release NexoPOS 4.8.x that comes with so many changes and bug fixes. Before jumping on the details, we would like to thanks all our customers, those who shared their idea and are patients. It's not easy to build such an amazing product and we're glad you're part of this.
We would also like to let you know that NexoPOS 3.x is officially dead, the item has been removed from CodeCanyon along with his extensions. We'll now only focus on NexoPOS 4.x.
This update will operate a huge change over the structure of NexoPOS. If you're still on branch v4.7.x and are actively using premium modules, we would like to invite you waiting that all module are updated before updating NexoPOS. This means that the branch v4.7.x will still receive maintenance updates.
Let's now jump on what's new.
Grouped Products
This product type has been requested by some of you, and as we believe it was really appreciated on NexoPOS 3.x, we brought back the feature to NexoPOS 4.x.
Obviously, the stock management will depends on each included products. For example, if one of the products included no longer has stock, the grouped product won't be sold.
Customer Statement: Account History
We wanted to make it possible to track every transaction a customer has made. For example, if he make a purchase, request a refund, credit his wallet, everything are listed.
Decimal Quantities
Yes from now, you can specific "0.5" as a quantity for a product. In order to use that feature, you need to enable the new virtual keyboard that ship and supports a dot key.
From there, on the POS, you'll see the new keyboard in action.
Dynamic Products
Those products works a bit like taxes, but they are different. A dynamic product is a product which price is a percentage of the subtotal. This product doesn't accept quantity and can't have his unit price edited (as it's dynamic).
The product is created as any regular quick product, but the type should "Dynamic".
Installments Are Now Optional
Previously, before saving any installments, it was required to define a date. But, since mainly the installment feature was made to keep a track of what is due, we've recently noticed some customer were really annoyed by defining that. Now it's optional.
However, if on the settings there remains a minimum amount that needs to be paid per order, that will remain active regardless of the skipped installments.
Other Changes
Now we'll list the other internal change that we've also made. This will include bug fixes as well.
- Fixed: options
- Fixed: test case
- Added: Ensure cookie is generated after each installation
- Fixed: Ensure Product Can Be Bulk Updated
- Fixed: Tax warn when not selected
- Added: capacity to unselect options
- Updated: language
- Fixed: TypeError
- Fixed: coupon not effective
- Added: prevent on POS if a tax group lacks taxes
- Fixed: changed readonly attribute for php8.0 support
- Added: Support for links on crud row
- Updated: naming routes
- Added: Vietnamese
- Added: new action while opening orders
- Updated: typo on crud generator
- Closes #833, adds option to permanently enable auto focus
- Fixed: procurement expense using the author id
- Added: skip instalments
- Added: --force option to some commands
- Added: New numpad with option
- Added: searching customers using phone number
- Updated: formatting code with Laravel Pint
- Changed: renaming some columns
- Added: new events
- Updated: changing service container binding
- Fixed #857 issue
- Cleaning
- Fixed: generating random barcode
- Removing deprecated code
- Added: floating quantities
- Added: Grouped products
- Added: products group
- Added: customer statement
Special Thanks
As always, this update would have been ready without the contributions of those amazing people. We're therefore so thankful for their work:
NexoPOS 4.7.11
This update of NexoPOS 4.x comes with a few changes that mostly fixes issues. But before jumping into those changes, let's discuss about the upcoming updates here at Nexo Solutions LLC.
We're Restarting Email Tips
So we started few months ago a daily digest for sharing with your some unknown tips with NexoPOS. The ideas was to be sure you can master NexoPOS 4x quickly. We have at that time realized the tool we used wasn't unsubscribing users on their request. We therefore changed our tools and believe it will be more easier for your to unsubscribe at any time.
NexoPOS 4.8.x Still On Progress
The upcoming major upgrade is still on progress. As a reminder, we would like to let you know what are the upcoming changes:
- Dynamic Products
- Decimal Quantities
- Grouped Products
- Customer Statement
- Fix #874 compute tax after subtracting discounts
- Fix restoring default Error handler
- Fix ensure taxes are loaded correctly on the POS
NexoPOS v4.7.10
This short update provides a minor but important change over the core. You're not likely to experience any change on your actual workflow, however it remain safe to keep a backup.
- Fixed: Random barcode generation.
NexoPOS 4.7.9
This update fixes a major issue caused by the previous release (4.7.8). Indeed it seemed like that version was actually the development version (4.8.0) which is not publicly available.
We're sorry for the concerns it might have created from your end. Let us know if you still have issue with this one.
- Fixed: switching to the correct branch.