Releases: BitzArt/Blazor.State
Releases · BitzArt/Blazor.State
🫗 Blazor.State v9.1
What's Changed
📦 Include JS code by @YuriyDurov in #8
- 📦 Manually adding JS code is no longer necessary - all required JS code now comes included with the package.
- 🐛 Fixed a race condition on page initialization leading to the page sometimes failing to initialize.
- ⌚ Fixed descendant components continuing to wait for the state root (page) to initialize after it has failed to initialize.
- 📖 Removed step 5 (
Include the necessary JS code
) from 'Getting Started' documentation page. - 📖 Minor updates to the sample app.
Full Changelog: State-v9.0.0...State-v9.1.0
🫗 Blazor.State v9.0
What's Changed
- Initial upload by @YuriyDurov in #1
- Initial documentation by @N31TH3R in #2
- Allow custom rendering actions in descendant components by @YuriyDurov in #3
- Async component lifecycles by @YuriyDurov in #4
- Component prerequisites by @YuriyDurov in #5
- Add Persistent Component Lifecycle documentation by @ligowsky in #6
- Rename properties, indicating a component is initialized and ready by @ligowsky in #7
New Contributors
Full Changelog: