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This package aims to provide common generics, much like R/Bioconductor. These generics allow users to operate on different objects is a consistent and reliable way.


Install package from PyPI

pip install biocgenerics


Combine provide multiple functions to concatenate sequences and array-like objects.

  • combine_seqs: Combine 1-dimensional sequences or vector-like objects.
  • combine_rows: Combine n-dimensional or DataFrame like objects along the first dimension.
  • combine_cols: Combine n-dimensional or DataFrame like objects along the second dimension.
from biocgenerics import combine_seqs, combine_rows

# example to combine multiple sequences
x = [1, 2, 3]
y = [0.1, 0.2]

print(combine_seqs(x, y))

# Works across types as well,
# e.g. sparse and dense matrices

num_cols = 20
x = np.ones(shape=(10, num_cols))
y = sp.identity(num_cols)

print(combine_rows(x, y))

Additionally, the combine generic, automatically dispatches to either combine_seqs or combine_cols methods depending on the inputs.

Set and Access names

Reliably access row and column names of Dataframe-like objects.

  • rownames: Access row names of the object.
  • set_rownames: Set new row names.
  • colnames: Access column names.
  • set_colnames: Set new column names.
import pandas as pd
from biocgenerics import rownames

df1 = pd.DataFrame([["a", 1], ["b", 2]], columns=["letter", "number"])


Check out the S4Vectors package for more information.


This project has been set up using PyScaffold 4.4. For details and usage information on PyScaffold see